BrandingBusinessClient Resources

How to Build a Consistent Brand Strategy

Stuart Crawford

A consistent brand strategy will set the tone for your entire business, and it's something you should be thinking about right now. Need expert help?

How to Build a Consistent Brand Strategy

You must first understand your customers' needs to build a successful brand strategy. Do they want a functional brand, or do they want a brand that makes them feel good? Once you understand your customers' needs, you can develop a strategy that meets those needs.

A brand strategy is more than a plan of attack to achieve business goals. It's a blueprint to help guide brand decision-makers through the process of creating a cohesive brand.

1 – Understand Your Current Brand

Being Meaniful Building Brand Identity

Brand strategy is one of the most critical parts of your marketing plan. It is a plan of action, which sets out the direction, and gives your company a clear identity. 

Your brand is the sum of all the elements and features which make up your company, which give it its unique selling point. Your brand is much more than just your logo and colours. It is the overall impression of your customers by how your products or services are made, packaged and marketed. 

A consistent brand strategy will bring consistency to how your product/service is promoted, which will help you build trust among your customers.

First, it is necessary to understand the factors which affect your brand. These include:

  1. Your business concept
  2. The product and service that you offer
  3. How your business is marketed
  4. The people who buy and use your product or service

To identify these factors, you need to look at your brand from different angles:

  1. Awareness – who you are
  2. Structure – what your brand stands for
  3. Identity – how your brand is perceived
  4. Promotion – how you reach your audience
  5. Marketing mix – the right combination of these four factors

Your brand awareness

There are four main areas which influence brand awareness. These are:

  • Audience profile
  • Identification
  • Experience
  • Reaction

If your target audience is aware of your brand, they will be able to recognise your company. This means that you can develop strategies to increase their awareness.

Who is your audience?

Who are the potential customers of your product or service? If you want to sell to men, you will probably find it easier to sell your product to a specific group of women than to the men in this group. If you have a male audience, then women are likely to be the majority of your target market.

You should try to build a brand that appeals to many customers. For example, if you sell children's clothes, you should also consider selling your clothes to adults.

Audience identification

You can increase your customers' awareness of your brand by using the following approaches:

  • Targeted advertising
  • Branding
  • Product placement
  • Promotional materials
  • Your brand structure

How do your customers perceive you?

If your customers view you as a reliable source of information, they will be more likely to buy your product or service. If they believe you are expensive, they will be less likely to buy your product.

Your brand identity

  • What is your brand's personality? Is it friendly, trendy, serious or frivolous?
  • Are your products and services straightforward, complex and high-tech?
  • Do you sell your product to a wide range of people or concentrate on a select group?
  • What are the emotions that your customers associate with your brand?

Your brand promotion

  • How do you make your product or service known to your customers?
  • Have you used an effective promotional strategy?
  • How do you get your product or service in front of the people who matter?
  • Is your branding consistent?
  • Have you considered all the factors that will influence the perception of your brand?
  • Has your brand been developed in line with your business strategy?

What's your marketing mix?

  1. Can your brand be developed to be consistent across all media?
  2. Does your marketing strategy work?
  3. Are you getting the results you want?
  4. Are your customers happy with your product or service?
  5. Can you afford to change your marketing strategy?

2 – Create a Brand Vision Statement

Nike Brand Vision Statement

The purpose of a brand vision statement is to communicate what your company does and why customers should care about what you do. It is a statement of your company's purpose, values, and goals. A vision statement is the foundation of a brand, the building block of a marketing program, and the core of corporate culture.

Vision statements are most effective when they are short, simple, memorable, and easy to understand. A vision statement should declare your company's purpose and purposeful actions. It should express the values that drive your business, and it should describe the vision of the future.

A good vision statement has five parts:

  1. What. The purpose of your business.
  2. Who. The people you serve.
  3. Why. The reasons your business exists.
  4. How. The actions you take to serve your customers.
  5. Where. The location and environment of your business.
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The best way to create a compelling vision statement is to start by writing a short description of who your company is and why it exists. Then write a description of your company's purpose and values.

This exercise will help you determine whether or not you are speaking in the language of the customer or the employee. If you are speaking to the employee, this will show your commitment to the success of the company. 

When speaking to the customer, it will be essential to identify your target audience and determine what your customers value in a product or service.

Have someone else read the statement aloud to you when you are finished. Ask them to point out the things they think are missing from the statement and where you might be confused.

Here are some examples of a brand vision statement:

1. “We create beautiful spaces that inspire life.”

2. “Our products and services connect people to the places they love.”

3. “We are committed to providing exceptional customer service.”

4. “Our company will always be family-owned.”

5. “We are proud to be a trusted leader in the home improvement industry.”

6. “We provide quality products and exceptional service that will enhance your home for years to come.”

7. “We are committed to making our products and services sustainable and environmentally responsible.”

8. “We want people to feel more comfortable in their homes.”

9. “We are committed to creating a better world.”

10. “We are a company that cares about our customers.”

3 – Choose your brand attributes

Brand Management Attributes

You must create a vision that guides the brand you want to build and the marketing mix that will deliver it. The brand vision must be consistent across all customer touchpoints, and a clear sense of who the brand is should emerge. 

It's also vital to consider the needs and expectations of every audience. This guide will help you think through the various dimensions of brand development.

Define your brand promise.

The brand promise is the brand's promise to the market. The critical elements of the brand promise will be the brand's mission and value propositions. 

The mission is the brand's overarching purpose. The value proposition shows how the brand will deliver these benefits to customers. You can also use a clear brand promise to help define the brand identity.

Select your brand personality.

Your brand personality is the overall impression the brand creates based on your brand promise. The brand's values and beliefs can influence this. This includes a sense of the brand's personality and how it relates to the category. 

It is also about the brand's strengths, weaknesses and points of difference. It's about your brand's attitude toward the world. Your brand personality will influence how you position the brand and the marketing messages you use to communicate it.

Choose a name.

A name that reflects the brand personality and the overall feel of the brand. It should be memorable and appealing to the target audience. Use your brand promise to decide on the brand name. You may wish to look for a domain name that reflects the brand's name.

A distinctive logo is an essential element of the brand. It should be simple, memorable and instantly identifiable. A good logo design will help customers remember the brand and its personality.

Select a tone of voice.

A brand's tone of voice is vital to the overall brand experience. It conveys the brand's personality and helps customers identify with it. It's about the language the brand uses to communicate. A good tone of voice will help reinforce the brand's message and reinforce the brand promise.

Develop your brand guidelines.

Your brand guidelines will establish the overall standards for the quality of products and services the brand delivers. Your brand guidelines should include the quality standard your customers will expect. They should also explain what is and isn't acceptable. Be clear about the brand's values and principles. Ensure your brand guidelines are visible and easily accessible to all employees.

Develop a communications strategy.

The communications strategy sets out the methods you will use to spread the word about the brand and the brand promise. You can use it to help shape the brand's marketing messages. It also helps to create consistency throughout your marketing mix and ensure a standard brand tone of voice

The communications strategy will include the media you will use to promote the brand and the messaging you will communicate. It may also contain the communication tools you will use to ensure people understand the brand promise and its benefits.

Consider the brand's evolution.

As the brand matures, you will need to change your communications strategy to stay relevant to the new demands your audience makes of the brand. This requires a strategic approach that ensures your brand has the right messages at the right time in a consistent way.

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4 – Determine your brand message

Consistent Brand Message

Branding aims to create a consistent and positive image of your business that customers will remember. As a business owner, you want to communicate what your business is about in a way that makes people feel good about doing business with you.

To determine your brand message, start with the problem that you're trying to solve. What is it that your customers are currently struggling with, and what is it that you want to help them solve? Once you identify the problem, you should better understand what makes up your brand identity.

Brand Identity

A brand is the total of everything you do in the name of your business. It includes the logo, your colours, your mission statement, your values, your mission, and so on. 

Before you can establish your brand identity, you need to know what your brand message is. A brand message is why someone would want to do business with your company. It's what they expect when they pick up the phone, call your number, or visit your website. It's what they say about your product or service when they're buying or making a purchase.

In the same way that a person might buy a car because they need a reliable vehicle or choose a specific brand of coffee because they like the taste, a customer will decide based on their feelings and perceptions of your brand. Your brand message is the foundation of everything you do.

Defining Your Brand

The first step toward defining your brand is to write down the problems that you want to solve. What do you want your brand to say about you? What do you want customers to feel when they're thinking about you?

For example, if you run a restaurant, you might list some things such as:

• The food is healthy and nutritious.

• The employees are friendly and efficient.

• The prices are reasonable.

Now, think about your company's core values. Values are important because they provide a foundation upon which you can build your business. They tell you what kind of a company you are. They help you define what your business stands for.

When establishing your values, think about how your brand might represent them. You may decide that your company's values include the following:

  • Quality of products and services.
  • The importance of education.
  • Trustworthy business practices.
  • Friendly and accommodating staff.
  • Respectful and fair treatment of customers.
  • Customer satisfaction.

With these guidelines in mind, you can start developing your brand identity.

Branding Tools

Once you've defined your brand, you'll need to find out more about what your brand means to potential customers. You can do this by using tools that will help you measure your brand.

Tools are available in many forms, from online surveys to focus groups. You can also create your own tools to get feedback on your brand. You'll find that these tools are practical because they give you insights into what your customers are thinking and feeling. They can also be an excellent resource for determining what messaging your customers expect from you.

5 – Establish your core values

Brand Values Examples Consumer Trust

This is the part of your brand where your core values come to life in your customers. Your values will influence how you design your products and services and communicate them to your audience. They will also help you define what you stand for as a business.

There are three different ways to create and communicate your brand.

  1. Your vision is the big picture of what your brand is about. 
  2. Your values are the beliefs that underlie this vision. 
  3. Your brand promise is what your customers expect from your brand.

You could say that the values are your mission statement. They should be your guiding principles and communicated to the world.

It can be tempting to confuse the values and mission statements. But the difference is clear. A mission statement aims to persuade people to buy your product, while a value is a core belief that underpins the values. It's something you believe sincerely.

How to create a vision?

A vision is the big picture of your brand, like the sun behind the clouds. It's a bit like how you imagine your brand in your mind's eye. Think about what your brand would look like if it were real. What would it be?

For example, a clothing brand for ‘smart casual' could have a vision of young people wearing smart casual clothes – jeans, shirts and trainers – and behaving casually but smartly.

Suppose you're unsure what your brand should be like; think about what customers would like you to be like. You can do this by using a customer journey.

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What does your customer want?

Imagine that you are your ideal customer. Would you like to shop at a store where you feel comfortable and can buy precisely what you want at a reasonable price?

If your ideal customer is a family man who wants to spend his free time at the park with his kids, then you need to be accessible to the whole family. It's a small business, so you will be able to offer personalised service. 

You will want to know what your customers like and how they behave. You'll want to understand the needs of the whole family, including the children.

Think about your product or service. What would it look like if you could get away with selling it without a brand?

When I worked at Royal Mail, we wanted to reduce our carbon footprint and make our service more environmentally friendly. We did this by offering green stamps and reducing the amount of packaging used.

If you work in a service industry, it's easy to think of an industry you want to emulate. We wanted to provide a professional and trustworthy service, so we made it our brand promise to be transparent, honest, and approachable.

What about your service promise?

The service promise is the promise your brand makes to your customers. To provide good service, you'll need to know your customers. The service promise helps you find out what they want. It's a summary of what they expect from you.

You can use several methods to determine what your customers expect. They include:

  • Focus groups. This is a group of customers you invite to share their views about your brand.
  • Pilot testing. In this, you invite a small group of customers to try out your service.
  • Customer feedback. This means asking your customers for their opinions, either online or in writing.
  • Customer interviews. You may ask existing customers to describe their experience of buying from you.

Ultimately, it's up to you whether to make your service promise a reality.

6 – Design your brand personality

Brand Personality

To establish a consistent brand personality and build brand loyalty, you should design the personality traits of your business and personal brands. What kind of business owner would you like to be? A fun and relaxed guy, or a serious and responsible one? What kind of person does this personality make you? How would you like your personality to portray your business or professional persona? What is your brand personality?

Analysing your potential customers

Once you have defined your business personality and brand, you need to figure out what kind of people you want to attract customers. This is where you need to think about your target market. 

  • How old are your potential customers? 
  • Where do they live? 
  • Are they men or women? 
  • Are they young people or older ones? 

You should consider all these factors because the people you attract will affect what kind of business you will create. For example, if you are going to start a restaurant, you will need to think about the age group of the people that you want to attract. Would they prefer to be served by a girl in a cute outfit, or would they like to be served by an older man in a suit and tie? This question is going to influence the kind of business you will run.

Analysing your customers' needs

Next, you should think about what your customers' needs are. Do they need entertainment, relaxation, and good food, or are they looking for serious business advice? 

Whatever the case, you should figure out what they need and how you can meet those needs. For example, starting a toy store, you must consider the toys your customers want. Are they girls or boys? Do they like dolls or cars? Do they like traditional toys, or are they more interested in technology and the latest gadget? These questions will help you to figure out what your customers need.

Putting everything together

Now that you know your business and personal brands, you should decide on the kind of business you want to create and the kind of personality you want to project. 

Then, you should consider the kind of customers you want to attract. Finally, you should decide what kind of products you will sell and what kind of marketing activities you will use to attract your potential customers.

For example, if you are starting a toy store, you will need to consider the kind of toys kids like and the kind of products you will sell. Then, you will need to consider how you will advertise your business. Will you use TV ads, posters, or leaflets? Which marketing activities will you use?

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7 – Design a visual identity

Consistent Visual Identity

Brand identity is a crucial part of every business and plays a vital role in establishing a brand. Brand identity design should provide a clear visual connection between the business and the audience and help customers identify the brand. It should also support the business and marketing activities of the company and promote the brand image.

Brand identity is a part of a business that provides the overall appearance of a business. In addition, it includes graphic design and visual communication elements that make up a logo, stationery, packaging, signage and product labels.

When creating a compelling brand identity, it's essential to understand what your business stands for and what makes it unique. This can help you design a brand identity that supports your brand and allows it to stand out from the competition.

Brand identity may also consist of using colours, fonts, and symbols that establish a visual connection between the business and the customer. It may also include creating visual languages such as logos, brochures, stationery and advertisements.

It is crucial to determine the target audience and their needs to create a consistent brand strategy. Then, you can establish the kind of products or services your business offers and create a suitable visual identity that fits those needs. 

Brand identity design should be consistent, but at the same time, it should also reflect the uniqueness of your business.

The first step in creating a brand identity is choosing a name. You should consider the following points when deciding on a name:

  • The name should be appropriate for the target market.
  • Brand name should be memorable and easy to remember.
  • It should be unique and not used by any other businesses.
  • A good name should be catchy and appealing to the customer.

Once you've chosen a brand name, you should decide on your brand identity's overall look and feel.

The next step in creating a brand identity is to choose a logo. The logo represents your business and is the most visible symbol of the brand. The logo should be simple, easy to understand and represent the company.

It should also be easily recognised and should be different from other logos.

Once you've designed a logo, it's essential to ensure it is well-designed. The logo has too many details and can be confusing and difficult to read. It is also essential that the logo reflects the nature of the business.

Next, choosing a colour palette that represents the business is essential. For example, if the business sells clothing, the colours should be related to the colours of clothing.

Choosing the right colours also helps to attract attention. For example, orange is a colour that attracts attention, while blue is a calming colour.

Another critical aspect of creating a brand identity is establishing a visual language. Visual language is used to describe the brand and how it appears. It helps explain the brand to customers and makes it easier to recognise.

It is crucial to have consistent visual language across the board. This includes fonts, typefaces, graphics and other visual elements.

Once you have established the visual language, you should also establish a tone of voice consistent with your brand. This will help to establish a positive and trustworthy image for your brand.

Finally, you should establish a visual style that works for your business. It should be simple, clean, attractive and engaging.

8 – Implement a consistent brand across all channels

Omnichannel Marketing Branding In The Digital Age

Today's consumer expects brands to consistently deliver an engaging and relevant experience across all touchpoints, including mobile apps, social media and the web. And as a result, they expect brands to provide them with a single version of the truth—and nothing less.

When it comes to digital marketing, this principle doesn't stop at traditional web and mobile websites. Brands must also ensure that the content and experiences consumers experience within their apps are consistent with the content and experiences on their websites and social media platforms.

Achieve a cohesive customer experience that aligns with your brand's vision across these channels.

Get ready to master cross-channel consistency.

The need for consistency is especially critical for brands with a physical presence. Consumers often assume brands represent them regardless of whether they have a physical storefront. They expect brands to communicate the same message across all channels and platforms.

Consumers also expect brands to be transparent about their services and products. When consumers encounter an app, they don't know what content they'll find inside. They can't tell if a physical store will be nearby or if the app is just a place for advertising.

The solution is simple. Provide consumers with the same experiences across all touchpoints. Consumers expect consistency across every channel—they should expect it from you, too.

Define Your Cross-Channel Vision

Before you begin, it's essential to understand your cross-channel strategy. 

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What does it mean for your brand? What do you want to accomplish? And how will you measure success? Once you have defined your strategy, you can begin crafting your cross-channel plan.

If you are starting from scratch, here are a few questions to help you get started.

  1. What are the primary goals and objectives of your cross-channel strategy?
  2. What channels are you most likely to use?
  3. How many different types of devices do you expect to be used?
  4. How are consumers interacting with your brand?
  5. Which of these channels are currently the biggest drivers of revenue?
  6. What channels growing the most?
  7. Why is it essential for your cross-channel strategy to be consistent across all channels?

Cross-Channel Consistency Challenges

So, now that you know the benefits of cross-channel consistency let's look at the challenges you may face along the way.

Your cross-channel strategy isn't complete until you consider the unique challenges associated with each of the following channels:

  1. Mobile apps
  2. Social media
  3. Digital storefronts

Your strategy will face several challenges. Most brands have faced at least one of these challenges and succeeded.

App Challenges

First, when it comes to mobile apps, consumers expect apps to perform similar functions as their web counterparts. In other words, they expect to access their email, read news headlines and access shopping features.

These expectations are why apps should be just as easy to navigate as their web counterparts. Apps should be designed with these fundamental principles in mind.

  • Navigability: Users should be able to quickly and easily discover what they're looking for.
  • Usability: Apps should be easy to use and allow users to complete their tasks seamlessly.
  • Information density: App developers should strive for fewer but higher quality information elements.
  • Accessibility: Apps should be accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Interactivity: Apps should encourage users to engage with their content.

Developing a Mobile App Strategy

It's also essential for you to consider the unique attributes of mobile apps. Here are a few tips to help you develop your mobile app strategy:

  • Build mobile apps using the latest technologies.
  • Ensure that your app's design meets user expectations.
  • Design for the small screen.
  • Build apps that allow users to transition between mobile and web environments seamlessly.

Social Media Challenges

Social media has become an increasingly important channel for brands to connect with consumers. This is why it's so crucial for you to focus on delivering the right messages to the right audience across all of your social channels.

Here are a few essential tips to help you achieve this goal:

  • Leverage the benefits of automation.
  • Focus on personalisation.
  • Understand your brand voice and tone.
  • Make sure your brand's voice is consistent across all social media channels.
  • Engage your audience to help build loyalty and trust.
  • Promote interactions and engagement with your audience.
  • Deliver an experience that is consistent with your brand's voice.

Digital Storefront Challenges

Finally, it's time to discuss your challenges when adding a digital storefront to your mix.

For starters, you will need to keep in mind the following:

  1. Digital storefronts are great for e-commerce, but they aren't necessarily the best way to drive traffic to your website.
  2. Be mindful of the number of steps it takes for a consumer to complete a conversion.
  3. Take advantage of the tools available to make your digital storefront more than just a static website.

These three channels are a great start, but the road ahead will be full of challenges.

Remember that these are just some of the potential roadblocks you might encounter.

We're confident that you'll be successful. And once you are, you'll be able to reap the rewards of consistency.

9 – Create Brand guidelines

Hospital Brand Guidelines

Many terms have become so common that you might have seen them everywhere, but you never really knew what they mean.

A brand guideline is a set of standards a company follows regarding branding. The company can choose any standard from the list to follow as a guideline for its products. The most common type of guidelines is the visual ones. The brand guidelines include colours, font, images, and other elements.

The company created and used these guidelines to make its branding strategy simple and easy to understand. There are some examples of brands which use their brand guidelines. Some of them are as below:


Pepsi Brand Guidelines

Pepsi Cola was introduced by the company in 1898 and has been growing since then. The company is one of the world's biggest producers of colas and soft drinks. 

It is the most famous brand of Pepsi and the second most valuable brand in the world. The most popular product of the brand is Pepsi Cola.


Hm Brand Guidelines Example

H&M is an international clothing retailer and one of the world's largest fashion stores. The brand started in Sweden in 1947, and now it is available in almost every country.

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The company usually creates the brand guidelines to make the company's branding strategies easy to understand.


consistent brand strategy apple

Apple is the most well-known brand in the world and the most valuable brand in the world. Apple is a technology company which sells computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other accessories.

Their brand guidelines are created to make the users understand what kind of products and services they should expect from the brand.


Google Brand Guidelines

Google is one of the most widely used search engines in the world. Their brand guidelines are created to make the users understand what Google is about and how to use it.

Now you must be wondering what the difference between these three brands and others is? The difference lies in their uniqueness. These brands create guidelines to make their branding strategy simple and easy to understand.

You can use the brand guidelines to make your branding strategy simple and effective. You can also create your brand guidelines to make your brand stand out.

10 – Design your website

A great website is always easy to navigate; this should be the case when designing your website.

Keep it simple.

The design of your website should be consistent with your overall branding strategy. This can mean using the same colour scheme throughout the site, choosing fonts which look similar and using your logo on the site.

Use text sparingly.

Use as little text as possible on your site. The more text there is on a page, the less easy it is to read.

Don't go overboard with graphics.

You should use images in moderation – a photograph will not take the place of a good copy, nor will a picture of the latest technology replace a clear explanation of your services. Keep the design simple – a picture of your logo will not do the job.

Be bold.

Make sure that each page of your website has a distinctive visual element, such as a headline or a bold graphic. You can use this to set the tone of the page and make it easier for the visitor to find what they need.

Keep it simple.

Make sure the colours and layout of your website are easy to use and accessible. You want your website to be as easy to use and navigate as a product brochure.

Make it easy to contact you.

Make sure the information on your contact page is clear and visible. There should be one single link on each page which takes you straight to your contact details.

Make it easy for your visitors to share your content.

Don't underestimate the power of social media. Facebook and Twitter have massive reach and can help you get your message out.

11 – Develop your social media presence

Most Popular Social Media Platforms

The best way to build an effective social media platform is by having a clear focus, using a unique voice, and keeping it personal. In addition to having content and posts that stand out, be sure to create a look and feel that works for you and your audience. 

Here are some guidelines to help you develop your social media profile.

A Unique Voice: There's nothing worse than listening to someone else's tweets, status updates, and photos. Be yourself and speak from the heart.

Keep It Personal: If you are trying to sell something or promote your business, your voice should reflect this. However, if you are trying to connect with your customers and followers on a personal level, be yourself, be authentic, and be honest.

Look & Feel: How you represent yourself on social media is very important. Your profile photo needs to be professional and represent your business or brand. As much as possible, stick to a similar colour scheme. The same goes for any text or copy you use. Make sure to have a clear message and avoid looking cluttered. If you are posting from multiple platforms, be consistent.

Stay on Top of Social Media: The best way to ensure you stay on top of your social media accounts is to stay focused. Set aside a few hours each week to monitor your social media accounts, and ensure you're doing everything you can to stay on top of everything.

Promote Yourself: If you have a business, your business page is a great place to promote yourself and your brand. Post about the different services you offer, exciting articles or blog posts that you write, and links to useful websites. Make sure you're promoting yourself consistently throughout the week.

Be Consistent: You should have a plan, stick to it, and follow through. When you do, you'll see positive results.

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Have Fun: Social media can be fun to engage with your customers, but keep it professional. Be yourself, have fun, and be honest. Don't let it get too serious.

Get Creative: Think outside the box, be creative, and share what you love. Use memes, quotes, and visual aids to attract your followers' attention. You should also use visuals to share information and highlight your product or service.

12 – Grow your audience

Target Audience Website Design

As we mentioned previously, building an audience is the goal of a consistent branding strategy. To begin, let's define audience first: An audience is a group of people interested in what you have to offer. 

The more people that relate to your business, the more potential customers you will attract. Audience building is reaching new audiences and developing relationships with them. It involves the following steps:

1. Defining your audience

2. Finding your audience

3. Developing a relationship with your audience

We'll begin by defining the audience. An audience is made up of people who are interested in the type of message you send. Your audience should consist of customers, clients, and friends. 

You need to consider three main types of audiences: your core audience, your target audience, and your ideal audience.

Core Audience: This is the core of your audience. They are the people who represent your core demographic. For example, if you sell makeup for women, your core audience would be the female population in general. The core audience should make up the majority of your audience. Your core audience is the foundation of your brand.

Target Audience: Your target audience is the people most likely to buy from you. They're usually a subset of your core audience. For example, if your company sells makeup for women, your target audience would be women between the ages of 21 and 45.

Ideal Audience: Your ideal audience consists of people you'd love to get to know better. This is your dream audience. Your ideal audience must also grow if you want your audience to grow. Your ideal audience should be composed of people and those who admire you.

Now that you've defined your audience, you need to find them. Finding your audience involves identifying your target audience first and then finding the people who make up the rest of your audience.

Finding your audience is a highly complex process. We'll begin by looking at what you can do on social media sites like Facebook. You'll need to look through your connections and see what they share. After that, we will look at using your email as a tool to find your audience.

Once you've identified your audience, you can use these tactics to develop relationships with your audience:

Social Media: Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be a great way to identify your audience. You can look through your connections on these sites to see who shares the same interests. Using your existing connections on these sites to develop a relationship with your audience is possible.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is an excellent tool for growing your audience. You can create a newsletter that your audience will want to read. You can develop a relationship with your audience through this type of newsletter.

Events: Events are another great way to grow your audience. You can host an event to draw people in to learn more about you and your business. If you are hosting an event, invite your audience members. You can also do some promotions on your website, social media sites, and email lists.

Video Marketing: Video marketing has become a popular way to communicate with your audience. If you are thinking of starting a video marketing campaign, you must have a professional-looking website. You'll also need to build a team. It's hard to do video marketing independently and keep up with the industry's growth.


The brand strategy is the foundation of your business. It's how you define yourself as a business, your goals, and how you will achieve them.

A consistent brand strategy will set the tone for your entire business, and it's something you should be thinking about right now.

As a new business owner, you'll constantly face new opportunities. The only way to take advantage of them is to have a well thought out plan for the future.

A brand strategy is a living document. It's dynamic, and it will change as your business evolves. But it's essential to keep your brand consistent.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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