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5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Home Renovation Companies

5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Home Renovation Companies

Do you provide proficient home improvement services? Many homeowners nowadays could use your experience and expertise. 

This is because they need to make repairs, changes or renovations, updates to their homes, etc., and only a professional can take on these kinds of domestic projects.

The best way to reach such people before your competitors do is via carefully researched and well-executed home renovation marketing

As you may probably be aware, different digital marketing strategies exist. The major challenge is deciphering which of these strategies is the most effective for your business.

This article presents the top 5 digital marketing strategies you can adopt as a home renovation company to attract new, cash-in-hand customers.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Attracting Customers

The ideal way to reach new or prospective customers is to stealthily part of their in-depth research processes. 

In other words, ensure your potential customers can find your home renovation business when searching for accurate home renovation/improvement information.

There are several ways to go about this, but here are the top 5 most effective and proven strategies to deploy:

1 – SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Seo In 2021 Guide

For your website to attract new, prospective customers, it must be straightforward to locate or find online. SEO is the best, most cost-efficient way to do this.

Search engine optimisation involves improving your business website so that search engines like Bing, Google, etc., can readily understand it, rank it, and show them as relevant results when potential customers search for the type of services you offer online.

SEO also includes building the reputation of the organisation online. This will push search engines to easily rank you above your competitors who aren’t implementing this tactic. 

This means your website will be on the first page of Google, Bing, etc., for specific search terms known as “keywords.”

When this happens, potential visitors will flock to your website, learn more about the unique services you offer, and may even book an appointment with you.

You don’t have to spend your entire marketing budget or a fortune on newspaper and radio ads that most people ignore nowadays. 

You can reach as many potential customers online since they are actively searching for the services you provide.

2 – PPC (Pay-per-Click) Advertising

Ppc Campaign Strategy

Establishing website rankings can take much time, especially if you’re still new in the business. Moreover, your website may not rank very well for highly competitive keywords.

This is where PPC (pay-per-click) advertising comes in. The most effective PPC platform is Google AdWords. 

It allows businesses to run highly targeted ads on search engine result pages (SERPS) for ultra-specific keywords with unique links that take visitors to relevant pages on their sites.

That means you can run PPC ads for your home renovation business for as many specific home renovation-related keywords as possible with a unique link that directs visitors to a relevant web page on your website.

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For instance, if you aren’t ranking for the keyword “home renovation contractor Connecticut,” you can run ads within the results of that specific search with a unique link to your home renovation services web page.

Once you launch the campaign, the ads start to run in real-time. This makes PPC an excellent way of driving high-quality traffic—with great chances of converting to customers—to your website immediately.

3 – Content Marketing

Content Length Google Ranking Factor

Your website is the ideal place to share lots of information about the type of services you provide. It should also be the #1 go-to place for helpful information about home renovation.

Such information could include:

  • DIY guides on home renovation projects an amateur can handle without the need to hire or pay a professional,
  • answers to frequently asked home renovation questions,
  • ideas for home improvement projects,
  • list of tools an amateur may need to fix a few things around the home, etc.

This exceptional digital marketing strategy is referred to as “content marketing.” 

Content marketing is a helpful tool the top bananas in most industries use to attract high-quality visitors—via search engines—while researching various home renovation options.

When your site has the valuable information they need, you become the go-to resource and a trustworthy business in your field.

The next time such visitors have some home renovation projects too complex for them to handle, your brand will be at the top of the list. In essence, they know the exact home renovation company to reach out to.

4 – Email Marketing

Email Marketing Mistake Segmentation

Some website visitors won’t get in touch with you even after learning about your home renovation business. In most cases, they may spend several days, weeks, or even months as they research their options.

However, you can get them to take action a little faster via email marketing.

Email marketing is a highly effective—and efficient—strategy to deploy to stay in contact with potential customers during the period when they’re researching various options.

Set up an email sign up form on your website and encourage every visitor to register for your organisation’s free newsletter. 

Start sending valuable tips, news about the company, behind-the-scene footage about specific home renovation methods, as well as other related information on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

In summary, email marketing allows you to reach prospective customers in their inboxes. It’s the ideal avenue to showcase your expertise in the home renovation industry.

5 – Web Design

Good Website Design Boost Traffic Site

A well-designed website with a user-friendly interface is a magnet that pulls in or attracts potential customers looking for your business 24/7. 

Visitors to your website will convert easily to leads or customers if they find every piece of information/data they need to make informed decisions.

Ensure your home renovation business website has straightforward navigation. This makes it very easy for prospective customers to find the web pages most relevant to the issue they would love you to handle for them.

Finally, make it easy for visitors to contact you about their home projects. For example, you should have an easy-to-fill contact form or phone number to call at any time of the day.

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Deploying these top 5 digital marketing strategies for home renovation companies has the potential to skyrocket your business within a short time. 

When you have carefully-planned and well-executed tactics to implement, you may even end up standing toe-to-toe with the big wigs in the industry. Hence, you should constantly work at improving each of these strategies.

Finally, check out what your competitors are doing that brings them customers, and replicate the same in your business. 

This gives you better insights into what works best in your industry and helps you to stay relevant to your specific industry.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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