BrandingBusinessClient Resources

The Importance of Design in Business Success

Stuart Crawford

Design in business is the most crucial thing because it's what people see first and shapes their perceptions and expectations of your Brand Identity.

The Importance of Design in Business Success

Design in business is the most crucial thing because it's what people see first and shapes their perceptions and expectations.

Most of us understand the importance of design in our lives. Beautiful objects and visual art constantly surround us. We've spent countless hours in museums, libraries, and art galleries. Yet, how often do we stop thinking about design's role in our businesses? 

Many think that design is the domain of only those with a background in art, graphic design, architecture, or other design-related fields. However, design is a critical factor in the success of nearly every business worldwide.

It's clear that design is a crucial factor in achieving business success, but why is it so important? How can your business benefit from a design approach to business?

1 – Design is the key to branding success

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Design in business is the heart of every successful brand; it makes a brand feel human, alive and approachable. It is also the key to designing successful business communications

It is a discipline that gives life to your ideas, helps you communicate effectively, and tells the world who you are and what you stand for. If you don't know how to create a strong design strategy, then you will struggle to make your business communications stand out from the crowd.

What Is Design in a Business Context?

Design in business is the art and science of communicating with your customers and staff. It's making things look good, working out what needs to be said, deciding what needs to be done and how to do it.

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all design process. But some common design issues will affect your whole business.

Here's how to address them.

1 – Make it beautiful

If your business is based around something with a physical quality – a building, machinery, a product, a service – it needs to look good. And if it doesn't, your customers won't see why they should choose your product or service over the competition.

The same goes for products that look great but need to be made or installed correctly. For example, if you're a plumber, ensure you have the right equipment and tools to do the job correctly. If you have a beautiful building, keep it clean and tidy. If your office is a mess, your employees won't have confidence in working in it.

2 – Define it

The first step in any design project is to define precisely what you are designing. This might be a product or service, a customer experience or a new way of doing something.

For example, if you're launching a new product, you need to decide whether it will be a tangible or an intangible product. In other words, will it be a physical product, such as a laptop, a mobile phone, a sofa or a software program? Or will it be a service, such as banking or insurance?

If it's a tangible product, what's its purpose? To sell or to provide a service? How much does it cost to make? And who will buy it?

If you're creating a new service, consider what you're offering and why it's different. For example, you may want to offer a less expensive service than the competition. 

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You could also focus on customer service, providing a personal service with a warm and friendly touch. You might want to go above and beyond to ensure your customers are delighted with the service.

The final point to remember here is that design in business is not the only element that will make your product stand out from the crowd. The combination of design and how you promote and sell it will make it successful.

3 – Get it right

Once you've defined your design brief, you need to consider the practical aspects of making it happen.

This might mean you must find suitable materials, suppliers and specialists. For example, if you're launching a new product, you need to decide what type of product you're making, what the packaging will look like and whether it will have a warranty. 

If it's an intangible product, you need to decide what information needs to be included in the package, how it should be delivered and how it will be priced.

It's also essential to ensure that your design and production processes are efficient to keep costs down.

2 – Design can help you stand out from your competitors

Choose Competitor Brands

Design is an integral part of a brand. It's not just about looking good or creating a catchy logo; it's about how you use design to make your brand memorable. This week's article examines how designers use design in business to make memorable brands.

Your website design can make or break your business. It's not just about how pretty it looks. How your website presents content and how it makes users navigate through it can make a big difference in how customers interact with your brand. 

If you're in business, you probably have a website. But have you ever stopped to think about what you are putting on it? Your site needs to be unique. It should reflect your brand. If your website is a mess, then chances are your business isn't one to get excited about.

  • Do you want to stand out from the crowd? 
  • What makes your brand special? 
  • Why should your customer choose your products or services over your competitors? 
  • How does your product or service differ from the rest?
  • How can you make your brand special?

The answers to these questions will tell you how to use design to make your brand special. It will help you design a website that stands out from your competitors.

Consider the layout of your website.

How your content is presented on a page can make the difference in whether your visitors find it useful or annoying. Your layout should be easy to understand, with straightforward navigation. Your visitors shouldn't struggle to find what they are looking for. It should make sense and offer a clear path to their needed information.

Make sure you are using relevant, high-quality photos. A poor image can hurt your company's credibility. Use stock images if necessary – they are free, professional and look great on websites.

Make it easy to navigate.

The content you present on your website should be straightforward to understand. If you have pages that contain too many words, it will be difficult for users to find the information they want.

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If you want to get noticed online, focus on creating content that will help your audience. Include valuable tips and facts. This will encourage people to share your content and make them return. 

Remember, your content needs to be fresh. If you have old articles, people won't read them. If they are no longer relevant, you need to update them.

Make sure your website is accessible.

It's not only the content that needs to be accessible; your website needs to be easy for your users to navigate. Use short paragraphs, headings and subheadings. Make sure there is a clear call to action. Make sure all links are working. Use standard font sizes, so your website looks the same on desktop and mobile devices.

Keep it clean.

Your website should be clean and simple. This will make it easier for users to find what they want and help you keep your design and branding consistent.

Avoid clutter.

Too much information or photos will slow down your website and make it hard to read. It can also cause problems with the website's loading. It's best to keep your website clear.

Make it easy to share content.

A clear call to action will make it easier for your audience to share your content. You may want to include social media sharing buttons to help people share content with their friends and followers.

Make your brand easy to recognise.

How you design your brand can make all the difference to how people perceive it. It should help them identify what you do and why they should buy from you.

Your logo should be simple, distinctive and memorable. You can use a symbol to make your brand quickly recognised and link to your company. It should be the focus of your website.

Make sure the colours you use are consistent. Make sure the style of text and fonts you use are the same on all pages.

Keep your branding simple.

Using complicated graphics or complex designs can be a turn-off for your audience. People will assume that you haven't taken the time to make your website look great.

3 – Design can set the tone for your entire business

Apple Brand Association

You can use design in business to transform their brand from just another business to one with a distinctive identity.

The first step towards transforming a business is to get to know it as a living, breathing organism rather than just an assortment of products and services. This approach is essential if you want to avoid creating a product that is no different from its competitors

It's about thinking differently – from the point of view of your customer, not just as a supplier. A business has many layers and aspects, each of which is important to understand and respond to. Here are three key questions to ask yourself as you start to think about the design of your business.

What does my business mean to my customers and myself?

The answers to this question can be revealing. For example, if you own a high street store selling homewares and foodstuffs, you might need to consider what the range of items you sell says about your company and what it means to your customers. 

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Does it represent your values as a business? Do you think it contributes to the image you want your business to convey to the public?

What do I want my customers to feel and think about when they visit my shop?

This question might require some reflection. Think about your customers, what they like about your business, how you can improve on those things and what you can do to meet their expectations.

What am I trying to achieve with the design of my business?

You might not have thought about your design strategy until now. However, it is crucial to think about the design of your business at every stage, whether you're looking at a single new product or the overall look and feel of the business. 

If you're starting a new venture, you might be surprised by what you find. Sometimes the things you most want to change are the things you don't realise you want to change!

What else can you think about?

There's always more to a business than its products and services; there are people who work at the business, suppliers, other businesses and the broader environment in which the business operates. 

Understanding how these people and organisations operate is another critical aspect of design in business. It's possible to look at the design to make things easier for these people and organisations to work with.

Your business is unique. By asking yourself the right questions, you can ensure that it's designed in a way that makes sense for your business, rather than creating a product that is no different from its competitors.

4 – Design is more than just aesthetics

Branding Trend Design

I love the idea of bringing ideas to life. Taking a product from a sketch to a functioning model is satisfying. To see the finished product in a store and know that it's been made by the hands of a creative mind is the best feeling. 

I love being able to design something beautiful and functional. But I think my favourite thing is to bring a brand to life, whether it is a new concept or a new product. This means communicating the brand's values, what makes it unique and why its target audience should choose it. 

It's fun. I love the freedom to design what I want and make it my own. I love the idea that it is still possible to make a difference. That there are brands out there that are doing things differently. 

The biggest thing for me when it comes to design is the client. Being able to help a client find their vision and communicate it is gratifying. I love that a client gets excited about the designs and materials I come up with. 

I love making products that people use daily, something you have a connection with. It's a privilege to make things that people will use. Every day there are challenges and learning moments. The best thing about being a designer is always something new: a new challenge, a new idea, a new client.

What makes me happy is creating something that I believe in and that a customer loves. It's when you can do something, and it comes alive. There is no better feeling than that.

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Designing something that a person uses every day is the most rewarding. That's why I go home with such a big smile.

5 – Design must be authentic

Authentic Branding On Social Media

Branding is more than just a logo or tagline; it's a visual representation of your company and how your customers see you.

If your brand is authentic and honest, it will reflect your company culture. People will connect with your company by seeing your brand as genuine. Authenticity will inspire trust and loyalty among your customers. Brands that are perceived as dishonest will never gain the trust and loyalty of customers.

Designing a brand that reflects authenticity is a delicate balancing act. Your brand needs to be authentic to your business and also your customers. By understanding who your customers are, you will know what elements of your design must be authentic.

Customers identify with brands based on their values, beliefs, and emotions. They choose products and services that resonate with their interests, preferences, and lifestyle.

Consider this example. Your company offers an exclusive, luxury product that is very expensive. You are in the high-end designer retail industry. Your target customer is an elite audience accustomed to expensive, luxurious items.

To appeal to this audience, your brand must be authentic and luxurious. However, your customers have different beliefs, values, and preferences. You will need to consider these differences to ensure your branding is authentic.

For example, your customers might be young adults who prioritise affordability. They prefer products that are low-cost and can be purchased affordably. The ideal product for them is not an expensive, luxury item.

Your brand should reflect your customers' values and tastes. If your target customers strongly desire to own a particular product, your brand must communicate this value.

However, there are times when your brand should be authentic to your company's core values. For example, when your company develops new products, it should make decisions that reflect its mission.

Authentic branding communicates your company's core values. If your brand does not reflect these core values, it will never inspire trust or loyalty in your customers. If you use a corporate logo, consider making it more subtle, and add a tagline that identifies your company and its core values.

Authenticity will connect your customers to your brand and increase their trust in your company.

6 – Design for your audience, not your ego

Find Your Target Audience
  • How to design a brand that appeals to your target audience?
  • How do you make a product that will appeal to your target audience?
  • Why are some products failing in the market?

The main reason behind all these questions is that many people are trying to create a brand that will cater to their audience. But it is not easy to do so. Here are the top 3 reasons why you fail to make a successful product:

1 – You don't have a clear idea about the product

Many believe they know exactly what they want and need to start working on it. But this is not true because your target audience is different from you. So, it is essential to know whom you are targeting.

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2 – You don't understand the market

Many people want to work in the government sector but don't understand the market and the government's demands. It is essential to understand the market before you work on it. So, gather market data and understand your product's demand and demand.

3 – You don't have a good team

It is essential to have a good team when you are working on a project. Your team should be skilled and experienced in the field of marketing. There is no shortcut to getting a good team. You need to invest time and effort to get a good one.

It is easy to get lost in the internet maze, but it is tough to get the correct answer. If you are a startup planning to make a brand, follow the tips mentioned above.

7 – Design must reflect your brand

Being Meaniful Building Brand Identity

A brand identity is your corporate logo, business colours and taglines. It's how you present yourself to the outside world and represents who you are as a company. Your brand has a purpose and a reason for existing. It has a personality and a voice. And it must be consistent across every touchpoint – print, online, in-store and out of the home.

To ensure your brand reflects your brand identity, it's essential to ask yourself what makes you unique. 

  1. What's the value proposition of your product or service? 
  2. Why should your customers choose your company over others? 
  3. Are you a friendly brand or a corporate one? 
  4. Do you offer luxury, value for money or a bargain?

This will help you define your brand and ensure that your design communicates clearly what it stands for. Your design should reinforce your brand values and identity, helping potential customers connect emotionally with your products.

You'll likely need help defining your brand if you've got a new business. For example, your company's tagline should be distinct and memorable. Your branding and visual identity should communicate your brand values while giving you a distinctive and recognisable look.

The logo you choose for your business must be consistent across your print and digital platforms. It should also be recognisable and have meaning, colour or shape. It must also be simple so it doesn't look cluttered or busy.

Remember, a great brand is about making your audience feel good about themselves. It helps people associate your brand with good experiences, like feeling good about themselves.


The secret to design in business lies in identifying, understanding, and utilising the hidden opportunities within all aspects of our environment. You can apply the same principles to any aspect of life. 

Successful people know this and use design in business to maximise their opportunities and create solutions to meet the needs of their clients. 

A good product, service, or experience design strategy includes the following essential elements: understanding your target market and unique needs, developing a strategic and creative vision, understanding your product and brand positioning, planning, creating, testing, and iterating.

If you're feeling stuck, give the design of your site a revamp by talking to a professional designer.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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