PackagingClient ResourcesDesign Inspiration

7 Creative Ideas for Custom Packaging to Boost Your Brand

Stuart Crawford

Creative custom packaging design is crucial in branding your products and services. These seven ideas will give you some inspiration. Need Help?

7 Creative Ideas for Custom Packaging to Boost Your Brand

We all know creative packaging can increase sales, but most don't have the time or money to invest in custom packaging.

But with some ingenuity, creativity and a few inexpensive items, you can turn any old package into a custom-designed product package—and we'll show you how.

You probably have one or two ideas for custom packaging, but have you considered creating some truly unique products for your packaging?

These creative designs can be a great way to set yourself apart from your competitors. With creativity, you can create packaging that will make a lasting impression on your target audience. Use these seven creative ideas for custom packaging to get started on your next set of packages.

Packaging can profoundly impact how consumers perceive your product and brand.

With a bit of creativity, your packaging can reinforce your brand message and communicate to customers familiar with your products and services.

In this article, we look at some of the latest packaging trends and offer seven creative ways to package your products to make them stand out.

Create a brand identity around your packaging.

Creative Custom Packaging Boxes

Creating a brand identity around your custom packaging is one of the most demanding tasks a company or entrepreneur faces. When branding your business, you may feel overwhelmed by the numerous options available. 

A business must create a brand identity around its packaging, including everything from the logo to the colour scheme. To ensure that your packaging effectively communicates a clear message to the consumer, it's vital to establish a strong brand identity.

There are many ways to create a brand identity. Some methods include:

  • Using a Branding agency. This involves hiring a professional to create your brand identity for you.
  • Using a Logo Designer. A logo designer specialises in creating logos. They can use their creativity to create a unique, original design that will attract your target audience.
  • Using a Graphic Designer. A graphic designer creates graphics such as logos, icons, etc. These types of designers often specialise in making things look professional and attractive.
  • Using a Creative agency. A creative agency does similar work to a branding agency but tends to focus more on concepts and visuals than technical aspects.

If you're thinking about creating a brand identity for your custom packaging, you must consider what you want your brand to represent. What do you want your target customers to get from interacting with your packaging?

It would help if you thought about whom you're targeting and why you're doing what you're doing. For example, if your company sells organic food products, you'll likely want to create a brand identity that conveys that information to your customers.

Once you've determined what your brand identity is going to be, you need to figure out how to communicate that brand to your customers.

Your packaging is the best way to communicate your brand to your customers. It's the first thing your customers will see and the last thing they'll experience before making a purchase decision. Ensuring that your packaging communicates your brand identity effectively and accurately is essential.

Here are a few tips to consider when designing your custom packaging:

  • Keep it Simple. Avoid complicated designs that take up much space and aren't necessary. The more complicated your design is, the less effective it will be.
  • Think About Your Target Audience. Your target audience needs to be able to identify with your packaging. That means that it shouldn't be too subtle or complicated. If it takes a while for someone to figure out what your brand is trying to say, your branding will be unsuccessful.
  • Be Consistent. You should use the same design across all your marketing materials. For example, if you have a logo, you need to use that same logo in your advertisements, websites, brochures, and business cards.
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Get creative with your packing materials.

Sustainable Packaging Green Validate

It seems a popular topic in the business world nowadays; why should you get creative with your packing materials?

The question may seem like an oxymoron, but there are a few things to consider when looking at this problem. One of the most important is being unique.

This means that you need to create a packaging design that stands out from the rest of the pack in a way that will attract attention. In the same way, your products need to look attractive and be packaged in a way that will entice potential customers.

You may think it would be better to follow the pack; however, sometimes this isn't always the best idea. For instance, if you are selling a product such as pet food, it could be that the packaging is a significant part of the sales process.

It does not matter if the buyer looks at the box and thinks, “Oh, this is just another cheap plastic bag full of dried dog food.” On the other hand, if the product has a beautiful and exciting box, they may be less likely to decide against buying it because of the packaging.

In addition to being unique, you want to ensure your packaging is eye-catching. The best way to do this is to consider what you are trying to sell. There are a few things that you can do to help you achieve this goal.

One is to make sure that you are using eye-catching colours. For example, if you are selling a product that you will sell through a supermarket, you should make sure to use bright colours. This will help draw attention to your product.

Another factor to consider is how you are going to store your products. This could make a big difference in how your packaging is presented. For example, if your product is an ice cream that needs to be kept cold, you must store it in a freezer. This could mean that you must consider ensuring the package doesn't leak.

Alternatively, if your product is something like dried fruit that does not need to be kept cold, you might find it best to consider a different approach.

For example, you could design a packaging solution that is a sealed container with a lid that clips shut. This type of packaging could be helpful for many different products. You could use it to store your tea, yoghurt, cereal or even pet food.

Of course, the type of packaging you choose will depend on the product you are trying to sell.

What are some of the best packing and shipping strategies?

Here is some information that we found helpful.

We know that the best products are packed well. But how do you ensure the products you ship out to your clients have been packed with the utmost care?

You can do some things to ensure that your products are packed in the best way possible.

  • You can hire a professional packing company. These companies have the training and knowledge to adequately pack your products. They will also know what size boxes to buy.
  • You can also use boxes that have been specifically designed for shipping. The most common type of shipping box is the standard corrugated cardboard box. This is the type of box you usually see on a shipping truck.
  • You can use bubble wrap or even packing peanuts. You need to use the right amount and the correct type of packing material.
  • You can make use of foam board. You can use it to secure your products inside the shipping box.
  • You can use double-walled boxes to prevent any breakage during transit.
  • You can also use custom shipping crates. These are great for heavy products that must be shipped internationally.
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Use packaging to show off your company's brand colours

Creative Packaging Design Identity

Custom packaging shows your company's brand colours and logo on the boxes, bottles, and other packaging. They allow the end consumer to quickly identify your brand, helping create brand awareness and trust.

Custom packaging is vital to developing a strong brand and generating profit.

This is achieved by creating a design, printing it on the packaging and then applying it to the products. A good packaging design should reflect your brand and convey the right message. You can use custom packaging to convey the following messages.

  • Brand awareness – To help create brand awareness, you must develop a unique and eye-catching package design. This will ensure that your brand gets the attention it deserves. It's also essential to make sure that the design is eye-catching.
  • Product differentiation – When you offer your customers several choices, they feel more secure when choosing your product. Packaging differentiation allows you to add unique touches to your product packaging. For example, you can have a memorable logo or a colour scheme representing your brand.
  • Packaging recall – When you put your customers in touch with your brand, they feel more comfortable buying from you. You can increase the chances of your customers buying your products by creating a unique packaging design.
  • Pricing – One of the main benefits of custom packaging is that it helps to establish a unique selling proposition. This is when a customer sees something different and appreciates it. For example, you can provide custom packaging if your company sells wine. Your packaging design will help your customers identify your brand.

Custom packaging is usually done in two ways.

  1. The first is to differentiate your products. This is when your packaging is designed specifically for your products. For example, if you sell wine, you could create custom labels for your wine.
  2. The second option is to give your customers a reason to buy your products. For example, you could put your logo on the bottle cap if you sell wine.

Custom packaging is not only for big companies. Small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit from this. You can use custom packaging to showcase your brand if you're running a business offering customised solutions.

Custom packaging is a great marketing tool that can help you build customer trust. It can help your company stand out from the crowd and increase revenue.

Keep packaging simple and functional.

Simple Package Deisgn Tips

You often need to remove or open packaging when you buy products at home or the store. This can be a challenge. Packaging can look attractive and exciting but must also be functional to suit the product and package design.

Sometimes, the package has to withstand the rigours of transportation and storage, and sometimes, it has to be designed to stand upright. Packaging can also be used to provide information about the product.

Product packaging often needs to fulfil several functions simultaneously. For example, a shampoo bottle has a clear plastic cap to keep the shampoo from drying out, but this cap also provides a grip so you can easily open it.

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Another example is the cardboard container transporting food products like milk, yoghurt, and butter. Milk can be kept fresh for a couple of weeks by cooling in the refrigerator, but this package is required to ensure the milk doesn't leak out and spoil.

Simplicity is essential in package design. Packages should be straightforward to use. Packages should look attractive but not distracting. Products often look better with simple packaging, like a clear glass bottle. 

The packaging design is just one element of a package. The contents of the package are the most critical element. In addition to making the package functional, designers must also consider the message they want to convey to the consumer. A box of cookies will differ from a box of dog biscuits, even though both look identical.

Some products are not meant to be handled. In the case of personal care products, a transparent plastic bottle with a simple screw cap is often the best choice for a bottle that is not meant to be touched.

When a package is designed for easy handling, you can decorate it as you wish. For example, a straightforward bottle made from polyethene with a simple, flat base is often the best option when customers handle a package. A paperboard carton with a flat base and a simple screw top is a less expensive option than a clear glass bottle.

What's in a Package?

There is a strong trend toward using more environmentally friendly materials, and sometimes, this means looking for new and innovative ways of creating packaging. This can involve using recycled content or using biodegradable packaging materials. 

There are many advantages to these types of packaging, but they can be complicated. The two most common packaging materials are cardboard and plastic. Most packaging is made from some combination of cardboard and plastic.

72% of Americans say product packaging influences their purchasing decisions. Packaging material is made from three essential components: the packaging material, the filler material, and the adhesive.

Each material in a package depends on how much is needed. For example, the amount of cardboard and plastic in a pack of soda cans depends on how large the can is. In a 12-ounce soda, the ratio of cardboard and plastic is higher than in a 24-ounce can. 

Make use of 3D printing and 3D modelling

3d Printed Packaging Example

3d printing is an excellent tool for creating innovative, customised gifts for your clients. It is a process where the desired design of an object is converted into a digital file, which is then used to create a three-dimensional model of that object.

The models created using 3D printing are generally made of plastic, but this doesn't mean they cannot be made of other materials. 3D printing is an advanced technology that requires high precision to create an accurate replica of the original design. 

This technology has been developed to enhance and reduce the cost of manufacturing products designed and manufactured to a particular shape. 3d printing is also used to create prototypes and master mould models. 

The advantage of using 3D printing to create customised products is that it is fast, efficient, and cost-effective. It is also an excellent tool for beginners. 

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Customised items created using 3d printing are more durable and last longer. You can use these items for several years without requiring maintenance and replacement.

You can create customised products by choosing a 3d printer depending on the type of material required. 3d printers can be either single extrusion or multiple extrusion printers. Single extrusion printers produce one kind of product, and numerous extrusion printers produce a wide variety of products. 

To choose a 3d printer, you need to decide what type of product you want to create. For example, if you want to create a product that needs to be lightweight, you can opt for a single extrusion printer. On the other hand, if you make a sturdy product, you can opt for a multiple extrusion printer.

Choosing a 3d printer to create a product is challenging because you must consider various features. These features include print quality, speed, cost, material selection, and the number of models it can produce.

To ensure that you are buying a reliable 3d printer, it is essential to research and understand the capabilities of the 3d printers available in the market. This way, you can choose the most appropriate 3d printer for your product.

The most popular materials for creating a 3d model are plastics, metals, and ceramics. Each of these materials has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, plastics are a good choice for products that need to be lightweight.

They are also easy to work with and can be melted and reused. However, plastics can become brittle and hard to handle. Ceramic models help create large models and heavy-duty products. On the other hand, ceramics are also costly and require maintenance.

The other commonly used materials are metals and wood. These materials are robust, flexible and durable. But metals can be expensive.

Another factor that you need to take into consideration when choosing a 3D printer is the support that it offers. This will depend on how often you intend to use the printer.

3D printing is now a household name. It has revolutionised the manufacturing industry and will likely continue to do so. Undoubtedly, it will become a more affordable technology in the future.

The future looks promising, and you can look forward to a new world where everything is printed using 3d technology.

Choose the Right Shape

Custom Packaging Types Explained

Choosing the right shape for custom packaging can be confusing. There are many different shapes for custom packaging. Here, we'll present you with the most suitable shapes.

  1. Square Boxes
  2. Rectangle Boxes
  3. Rounded Boxes
  4. Custom Boxes
  5. Cylinder Boxes
  6. Hollow Boxes
  7. Cube Box

Make It Easy to Open

Best Packaging Design Trends

If you haven't noticed, many different types of packaging are out there. Some are very difficult to open, others snap open, while some are designed to look appealing but are challenging to open.

There is no standard design, and companies can create their own designs. The problem with this is that they are all pretty much the same. So, how can you make your packaging stand out?

There are two main things to consider here.

Firstly, you want to make it easy for customers to open, but you must ensure that it remains functional. Secondly, you want to make your packaging attractive and more memorable to your customers. You should consider these two factors together.

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When designing your packaging, you should consider the following:

  • What is the opening technique?
  • Is it hard to open?
  • How many times do I open it?
  • How many times does it go back into the bag?
  • How many times does it end up broken?
  • Does it make a mess?
  • Is it easy to get my hands in?
  • Is it easy to hold?
  • Is it attractive?

An excellent way to work out these answers is by using a mock-up. Mock-ups are models that show you how your product will look in different situations. For instance, your packaging can be used in a supermarket, at a bar, in a restaurant, or in a pharmacy.

A mock-up can determine whether the product is easy to use, attractive, practical, or creates a mess. You can then use this information to improve your design.

If you're having difficulty figuring out what makes your packaging easy to open, try looking at other packaging, such as that of your competitors. Take note of their opening techniques and see if they match what you'd like.

Once you have worked out what makes your packaging easy to open, you'll be able to make your product stand out by creating unique packaging. By doing this, you'll not only make it easier for your customers to open, but you'll also make them feel more satisfied.

So, make your product packaging easy to open and use to your advantage.


Custom packaging designs can do wonders for your brand. It can help to increase consumer awareness and encourage product purchases. When you put a distinctive mark on a product, it can make the package stand out.

A creative custom package design can increase brand awareness, boost profits, and give your product a competitive advantage.

Learn how to make beautiful custom packaging that boosts your brand and increases conversions.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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