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Top 10 Things a Startup Branding Agency Can Do

Stuart Crawford

Here are 10 things a startup branding agency can do to make sure your startup has everything it needs to be a success. Get a Free Quote today!

Top 10 Things a Startup Branding Agency Can Do

A startup branding agency has a lot of unique tools and services at its disposal to help a brand build its marketing strategy and create a buzz around its company.

If you're a startup business or an early-stage company, you likely need some assistance from a branding agency to build your brand identity. The good news is that many of these startups can get started with only a tiny budget because they're not yet established, so you may only need to pay a retainer fee. Here are some things a start-up branding agency can do for you and some recommendations based on our experience.

You have a fantastic idea for a startup business; it's time to create a winning brand and marketing strategy. Let's look at the top 10 things a startup branding agency can do to help you create a brand that makes customers fall in love with you.

Build a Brand Strategy

Brand Positioning Strategy Guide

Startups are generally small, high risk and high-reward enterprises. They are often based in the early stages of a business, trying to gain market share, customers and investment capital. A startup brand is what the company represents – the image that it projects. It's what customers and potential customers see, hear and feel about your company.

The startup branding agency you hire should be able to understand your business goals and objectives. This means asking lots of questions and listening carefully. 

The branding agency should have the knowledge, skills, experience and tools to build a brand strategy that will support your business and its marketing activities.

It would be best if you asked several questions of the branding agency before selecting one:

  1. What are your services, products or solutions? Are they similar to your competitors'?
  2. How do you define your target customer base? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  3. What research has been done on your industry and the type of customers likely to buy your products or use your services?
  4. Do you have a clear vision of how your company will operate, look and feel? What are your core values? Who will be your employees? Who will be your partners and customers?
  5. What is your unique selling proposition (USP)? What differentiates you from other businesses in your industry? What makes you stand out?
  6. What other brands are your clients using, and how have those relationships worked out?
  7. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a business, and what are your plans to overcome these?
  8. What is your company culture? Is it inclusive and positive? Do your employees work together as a team? How do your culture and values inform your business decisions?
  9. How do you see your company in the next five years?
  10. What other companies are your clients working with? Why did they choose to partner with you?

Create a Brand Identity

Startup Branding Goodgym

A startup is a new company with just a few employees. A startup's brand identity is how it will be known to consumers. It has to have the correct elements, which include the name, logo, colours, fonts, website, social media, events, and marketing collateral. In the same way that companies must be profitable before raising money, startups need to make money before developing their brands.

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Branding is the first step for a startup to create awareness of its company. This is because it establishes the company's reputation in the marketplace. Branding is the first line of communication between a company and its customers because it is the first impression people have of a company and is the most lasting impression.

You should focus a startup brand identity on three main areas:

  • The product/service itself
  • The consumer
  • The company behind the product/service

Your startup brand identity needs to reflect the values of the company behind it. If your startup is for community service, your brand identity must reflect the company's mission statement and overall purpose. 

The same goes for a tech startup. Your startup brand identity should align with the company's ethos. For example, a tech startup may have a strong focus on innovation. If this is reflected in the startup brand identity, it will encourage innovation in other parts of the business. The same goes for tech companies with strong ethical foundations. The same applies to the charity sector.

The company's tagline is the final key element of your startup brand identity. A startup brand identity should always include a tagline. This should be a short, memorable statement that describes what the company is all about. 

A startup brand identity can be very expensive to create. So, it must be based on the company's ethos and mission statement. This ensures that the brand is aligned with the company's purpose.

Startups need to get their business plans before thinking about their branding. You need to work out how much money you need to make before you can start thinking about what your startup brand identity will look like. You will also need to establish who the target market is. This will help you plan the correct type of marketing activities.

Create a Marketing Strategy

Edge Craft Marketing Strategies

Creative agencies are companies that specialise in helping brands to tell their story. They often work with the client to establish the brand message and then with the marketing department to develop the marketing plan. 

They usually involve the client in developing the creative briefs (the initial research) and creating the designs and artwork. The agency will manage the process, ensuring the design is delivered on time and within budget.

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?

A startup is a company that is just starting. This means the company has no revenues, so investors do not need it. Typically a startup will have less than 20 employees, but some companies can have thousands of employees.

To be successful in a startup, it takes more than business savvy. A business must be driven by a passion for its product and service. A successful startup can raise funding from venture capitalists. These VCs want to invest in the startups that they believe will grow big. They will look at the product or service and see how it will benefit their clients and customers.

What role does a creative agency play in creating a startup strategy?

When a startup creates its strategy, it does not always need the services of a full-time agency. However, there are times when the startup will require the services of an agency to help it create a branding strategy or a new logo. In some cases, it may be necessary to bring in an agency because the startup may not understand the importance of a logo in marketing the product or service.

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There are two other situations where the services of an agency are essential. First, if the startup has been successful and is ready to start raising investment, it may wish to raise funds through a crowdfunding campaign. Second, if the startup plans to go public, it will require a legal team to assist with the process. An agency can handle both of these tasks for the startup.

Design Brand Assets

Generate Leads Branding Campaign

Here's a typical scenario: A new entrepreneur has decided to launch a business. She has already had a successful career and is reasonably wealthy, so she doesn't need to raise much money. But she needs a brand identity and assets to give her business credibility in the marketplace. A company with high credibility will encourage customers to buy from it, and creating these brand assets can be costly. The process of developing a brand is complex and takes several months.

So how can a startup branding agency help?

First, the agency should understand what the client wants to achieve. Then it should work with the client to clarify the objectives for the brand and determine what those objectives mean. The company can then define its core value proposition – the benefits it provides for its customers, why they want to buy from it and how it differentiates itself from competitors. 

Once the core values are defined, the agency can develop a brand identity. The brand identity consists of the visual, verbal and textual elements representing the company and its products. This means developing the logo, brand style guidelines, colour scheme, tone of voice and marketing communications.

Once the brand identity has been established, the agency can work on developing brand assets – such as a website, packaging, brochures and collateral materials such as business cards

Brand assets should complement and reinforce the company's identity and values. In this way, the agency helps the business owner create a cohesive brand and the brand assets that reinforce it.

Develop a Brand Voice

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A brand voice is your company's voice that will communicate your brand message to customers. It is how you use words, images and video content to convey your values, vision and mission to customers. 

We can create a brand voice by using language, graphics and videos that resonate with your customers. But the process doesn't end there. It would help if you also considered the environment in which you speak and the context you are speaking to.

Branding agencies are used to develop brands for companies with little marketing or advertising experience. They usually focus on how a brand should look and feel. They develop the brand's vision, mission, values, identity and personality.

Branding agencies can help your company develop a strong brand voice and image appropriate for your business. Here are some other areas they can help you with.

How to use language.

You can create your brand voice using relevant language for your business and customers. If you are an online retail company, you may use the language of eCommerce, such as “shopping”, “customer”, “eStore”, “price”, etc.

Use visuals.

If you are a fashion company, you can use visuals that make your customers think about clothes and fashion. Using a cartoon to show the brand personality can help make a brand voice easier to understand.

Related:  Colour in Brand Advertising: The Power of Visual Branding

Create a video.

You can create a video about your product if you are a food company. Customers want to see a company they can relate to. Showing your products through a video allows customers to understand your product better and feel part of your brand.

You can use the examples above to create a brand voice to launch a new brand. Once you have a clear idea about how you will use language and visuals, you can then decide what you will say and how you will say it.

Branding agencies can guide you in using language and visuals to create a brand voice for your company.

Maintain Brand Reputation

Reputation Management Tips Online

Brand reputation is the value a customer associates with a brand. It reflects how the customers think about a brand. The more positive the image, the more a brand has a strong brand reputation. It includes tangible and intangible factors such as product quality, service delivery, advertising, and company reputation.

How can a Startup branding Agency help Maintain a Brand Reputation?

There are several ways that startups can build up their brands.

A. Advertising:

Advertising involves creating and disseminating messages about a brand to target audiences. These messages include promotional advertisements and direct marketing and nonmarketing communications, such as information about a brand on packaging, website, and product labels.

B. Product Quality:

Product quality involves the level of service delivered by a brand. It relates to the quality of products sold by a brand, the level of service and support provided to consumers, and whether customers are satisfied with a brand's products and services.

C. Service Delivery:

Service delivery refers to how a brand provides its products and services to its consumers. It involves the degree of satisfaction customers feel from the services a brand offers, the speed and efficiency of the delivery process, and the quality of service received.

D. Company Reputation:

Company reputation refers to the reputation that a brand enjoys among its stakeholders. A stakeholder is any individual or group who can potentially affect or be affected by a brand. Stakeholders include customers, vendors, employees, suppliers, distributors, financiers, governments, regulators, and other groups or individuals whose actions affect the brand.

E. Employee Reputation:

Employee reputation refers to the perception that employees have about a brand. It reflects how a brand is perceived by employees and the degree of employee satisfaction with the brand.

F. Supplier Reputation:

Supplier reputation refers to the reputation that a brand has with its suppliers. It reflects the level of respect and trust a brand has with its suppliers and the degree of satisfaction the supplier has with a brand.

Expand Brand Awareness

Startups are the new ‘me too' brand, where it doesn't matter if there is a natural product/service. The brand is more than just a logo, a website and a salesperson – the image, attitude, personality and approach to customers define it.

Startup branding agencies are experts in developing brands for startups and emerging companies and often work with other agencies on larger, established brands. 

There is often little or no experience to guide us when starting. But an excellent startup branding agency is full of people who understand how to create brands that communicate the company's personality. Their understanding of human psychology means they know precisely what words, phrases and images will best capture the spirit of the business and inspire customers to purchase.

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Build Brand Loyalty

Customer Loyalty Leaders

The key here is to provide value to your users. As a startup, you will need to build a strong product offering. The marketing team should ensure that the solution is unique and different from today's market. They need to explain to the customer why they are different from their competitors and develop a strong relationship with the customers through various communication channels.

As a startup, your marketing team will need to target the user segment precisely because there will be limited resources to spend on advertising. The marketing team must understand what drives users' behaviour and what will engage them. Marketing campaigns need to be planned carefully and executed efficiently.

When it comes to building the company culture, there is no one size fits all approach. Each startup is different, and the way a startup is run depends on many factors, such as the industry in which the company operates and the company's history.

The goal of the company culture is to create a space where people feel comfortable making suggestions and implementing changes. The culture of a startup needs to be set up to promote open discussions because new ideas can lead to innovative solutions.

While startups need a strong product offering, they also need to invest time and effort in building a brand. The brand identity of a startup is built by establishing a connection between the company's values, the products and services offered by the company and the target audience.

Brand loyalty is the act of sticking to a brand. A loyal customer has chosen to stay with a particular brand over other brands that offer similar products and services.

A startup must put in the effort to establish a loyal customer base. 

The best way to do this is to communicate with potential customers and establish a connection with them. When the communication channel is strong, it will be easier for a startup to connect with its customers. Once a connection has been established, a startup can use various communication channels to provide value to its customers.

The type of customer that a startup attracts is based on its service offerings. While a software-based startup might attract more technically savvy customers, a hardware-based startup will attract users looking for a solution to their problems. To ensure a thriving customer base, a startup must address these aspects.

Startups also need to develop a strong culture. The startup culture will be based on the founder's personality, their vision for the business, and how they want the employees to behave. While the founders might not have all the answers at this stage, the startup needs to develop a solid culture to have a future beyond the founding team.

To achieve a strong startup culture, the founders must be open to new ideas and suggestions. The startup culture needs to be able to adapt to different situations and challenges, which will only happen if employees are free to make suggestions and make changes.

Manage Brand Communication

Communicate Remote Team

The best way to manage brand communication is to ensure it is aligned with your goals and strategy. As a startup company, you must always remain agile, responsive, and adaptable. These attributes translate into effective brand communication.

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Your branding agency should align with your goals and objectives, be responsive to feedback, and stay true to your brand, regardless of external pressures. Your agency should also be able to communicate in various channels, such as social media, advertising, PR, content marketing, website, and public relations. The best brands adapt to the changes in technology and culture.

A good startup branding agency understands that brands evolve. They develop a deep understanding of their client's business and can understand how their clients' brand relates to their product. They understand how to create the right environment for the brand to flourish.

Your agency must focus on a consistent brand voice, message, and tone to grow your brand. This means having a consistent website, social media profiles, email campaigns, and print marketing.

Branding agencies also know how to connect the brand with audiences. They know how to engage audiences in conversations that are relevant to their business. They must understand how to design websites that are attractive and engaging. 

They should also understand the target audience and what is important to them. They should be able to determine whether these people are willing to spend money on products. They should be able to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and measure their value of these campaigns. They should also be able to measure the impact of different channels on the brand.

An effective branding agency understands that a brand's success is based on its ability to connect with the customer. They know how to develop and implement creative ideas relevant to their clients. A good branding agency uses analytics to assess how they are doing. They use data to identify the most effective ways to communicate the brand's message. They will also understand how to evaluate their campaign's impact.

Plan for Growth

Hockey Stick Growth Projection

Startups are businesses that are relatively new and small. When a company is founded, it has just a few employees and a modest amount of money to invest in marketing and advertising.

As the business grows, it needs more employees and money to build a more sophisticated infrastructure. So a startup brand agency can help startups plan for growth.

The primary function of a brand agency is to promote products and services. An agency will typically work closely with its clients to develop a strategy to sell its products and services. The agency will advise how to package the product or service to attract the most customers. 

The agency can suggest ways to market the product or service and will make sure it is visible in all areas of the public's consciousness. The agency will also provide a comprehensive identity to the client to ensure the brand's identity fits into the broader context of the client's offering.

You can find startup brand agencies in major cities throughout the world. They offer a wide range of services and products to help startups grow. They can advise on all aspects of branding, including developing a strategy for new products and services, choosing the right products or services, finding a suitable product or service distribution network, creating a compelling brand identity, and measuring the brand's success.

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A startup brand agency can also help clients with any legal issues they may encounter, such as copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights. If a client is looking to raise venture capital, a startup brand agency can help with the process.


A startup branding agency is not only an expert at branding and marketing but also a valuable asset that helps startups build a recognisable brand that you can easily find on Google. Branding agencies have proven to help a startup generate more leads, increase sales, and gain more customers.

Want to make your brand stand out? Then you need to make sure that it's unique. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here are the top 10 things we can do for you.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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