How to Create Social Media Graphics
Whether you want to start a blog or to make your social media posts more engaging and informative, using visual graphics is the way to go.
In the world of social media marketing, graphics are everything. But, many entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to creating social media graphics that are effective. We're here to help! In this article, we'll give you a few trade tricks, so you can create social media graphics that get attention. And if you're looking for some inspiration, you should check out our gallery of high-quality graphic templates we created to help you save time and produce amazing graphics!
If you want to create great social media graphics, it takes a lot of time and practice. This is why we put together this step-by-step guide to show you how to create great graphics from scratch.
1- Determine what your audience needs from you

Social media is an integral part of your business marketing and advertising strategy. Your business must be visible, active, and responsive on all social media platforms. To do this, your business needs a solid social media marketing strategy.
Social media allows your business to connect with your audience directly. You can connect with your audience through social media, making them feel more connected to your brand and what you're doing. As a result, your audience will be more likely to trust you, buy from you, and tell their friends about you.
Social media graphics play a significant role in social media marketing. Your business needs to make the most of the available space on social media. It would help if you also attracted your audience to share your post with their friends.
Your social media graphics must convey the right message to your audience. You must include critical information that your audience finds valuable and relevant. This way, your audience will be likelier to share your posts on social media.
This article will explain how to determine what your audience needs from you in social media graphics.
Determine the number of people you want to target
First, you must determine the number of people you want to reach. How many people should you focus on?
For instance, you might want to focus on only 20% of the people in your audience. The remaining 80% of people are probably not your ideal customers. In this case, you can focus on targeting only 20% of your audience.
You can also use a rule of thumb to figure out how many people you want to target. For example, if you're starting a new online business, you might start with 100 people. Your business will fail if the first 100 people don't like what they see. So, it would help if you started with fewer people.
The smaller the number of people, the easier it will be to build a solid following. On the other hand, the larger the number of people, the more likely it is that your business will succeed.
Determine the message you want to convey to your audience
Next, you must determine the message you want to convey to your audience. What does your audience need from you?
For instance, your audience may need to be informed about an upcoming event. Or, they may need to know when they can get your products.
Or, they may need to know how much money they can make by investing in your business. You can use the list above to determine what message your audience needs from you.
2 – Choose suitable media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

Social media is one of the most crucial things today because everyone wants to be famous on social media. You get a lot of fame and money when you have many followers. So, if you want to have many followers on your social media accounts, then it is necessary to choose the right type of media for your social media accounts.
There are different types of media on social media. Let's see them:
- Facebook is a social network website where we can share our thoughts with friends, family members and business partners. To share our thoughts, we use images, videos and text.
- Instagram: Instagram is a photo-sharing website and a video-sharing website. You can share your thoughts and experiences with images, videos, and texts.
- Twitter: Twitter is a social networking website. It is a platform for people to share their opinions and their experiences. You can share your thoughts through images, videos and text.
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking website. You can share your thoughts with your professional contacts. You can add your links, pictures, videos and text.
- Pinterest is a website for people to share and discover ideas, products and services. You can share your thoughts with your friends and family. You can share your products and services with your customers and clients.
- YouTube is a video-sharing website for people to share their thoughts. You can share your thoughts using images, videos and text.
3 – Create content that drives engagement

Social media marketing is an integral part of online marketing. You need to know what kind of social media graphics drives engagement and which ones not to use.
The first thing you must remember when creating any social media graphics is that you should always create something worthwhile. This way, you are providing value to your audience. You must understand that you can't expect people to like everything you create. But you can always expect people to share your posts and engage with them.
There are two types of social media graphics; one is shareable content, and another is content that is meant for consumption. Shareable content helps you drive traffic to your website, whereas content for consumption helps you reach your target audience. You can easily use both types of graphics.
Here are some of the best types of social media graphics that you need to use on your social media channels.
Shareable Social Media Graphics
Shareable social media graphics are straightforward to create. You don't need any special skills or skills to create them. You can easily create them in Photoshop and share them on Facebook and Twitter. The best thing about them is that they are shareable.
So here are the best tools to create shareable social media graphics:
- PicMonkey –
- Canva –
- Giphy –
Content for consumption
Content for consumption is the type of social media graphics that requires you to use your creativity. You can easily design these using Photoshop or any other image editor. These images are usually created with the purpose of engagement. These graphics will help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website.
Below are the best tools to create content for consumption social media graphics:
- Free stock photo sites:
- Design Mockup:
- Behance:
- Canva:
- Pixabay:
You can also create shareable social media graphics by combining different techniques with content for consumption.
Now you know how to create shareable content for consumption social media graphics. So you can use these techniques to get more engagement from your audience.
4 – Create social media graphics that are sharable

Social media graphics play a significant role in marketing. They are a great way to share your brand's message in a visually appealing way. But it would help if you ensured that the images you create are sharable and attractive.
The most important thing about creating a graphic is that it needs to be sharable. It means that when people use the graphic on their posts, they should be able to share it too.
You can use some tools to help you create sharable graphics. One of the most popular tools is Visual Composer. Visual Composer has a range of modules that let you create impressive and eye-catching images.
The modules include animation, blocks, buttons, sliders, and more. You can even add a call to action. Visual Composer is a plugin; you must sign up for an account to use it.
You can also use Canva's free graphics library. All the graphics are free for personal use. You will need to pay if you plan to use the graphics commercially. The other advantage of Canva is that you can edit and add text and colours to the graphics. You can also use the graphics for a variety of purposes. For example, you can use them as Instagram stories, Pinterest pins, or Facebook posts.
Another tool is Pixlr. This photo editor lets you add text, shapes, effects, and frames. You can use the same tool to create different kinds of graphics. You can create custom designs for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
5 – Keep your graphics simple and clean

In today's fast-paced world, most of us spend most of our lives in front of a computer or smartphone screen. So we have grown accustomed to seeing much advertising everywhere, and the more flashy, the better.
But is it necessary to bombard us with all these bright, flashy advertisements? Most of the time, we click through, barely glancing at the ads, yet we're bombarded with them anyway. As a result, we've become somewhat desensitised to their messages.
The more we see these ads, the more we stop noticing them. We may even feel guilty about not giving enough consideration to them when they're not even worth a moment of our attention.
The same applies to graphics used in business cards, business flyers, and other promotional materials. When we first look at these graphics, we can't help but notice how impressive they look. They make us think, “That is beautiful!” Yet, as we continue to study them, we begin to realise that most of them aren't that attractive, and if you take a closer look at them, you'll find that they're full of text, graphics, and images that can easily distract us from the purpose of the material.
There is no need to waste money on elaborate designs when you can create attractive graphics using photos of your company logo, pictures of your products, or drawings you've made.
Many free online websites allow you to create professional-looking graphics for free, and if you use them wisely, you'll be able to save much money and improve your company's image.
Here are a few tips to help you create more appealing graphics and save money:
Use photos of products
Take a picture of a product or the packaging of a product, and then remove the background. Use a photo editor program like Adobe Photoshop to crop the image and apply simple effects to make the graphics more interesting. If you do it right, your graphics will look like you took the photo straight from the product's packaging.
If you have a logo, create a graphic using the same style of lettering and the same typeface. If you have one, you can also create a design around the typeface you use. Make sure the lettering is large enough to be seen clearly, and the text is easy to read.
Give a bit of background
If you use a graphic to highlight a particular product feature, try including some text to explain it to the reader. You might use small text that is slightly smaller than the graphic itself. Many people have this problem when designing graphics. They think that since the text doesn't have to be legible, it can be as big as they want. However, if it's too big, it can make the graphic unappealing.
Give it a clear message
Your graphics should tell your readers something about what you're offering. If they don't, they might assume that you are misleading them and that you're not interested in what you're offering. So try to use graphics that make the product clear and ensure there is enough text on them to explain what the product is about.
Keep it simple
Don't use too much detail. If you do, you will probably overwhelm your reader and make it harder for them to understand your product or service. If you want a graphic to be visually appealing, keep it simple.
6 – Use colours that fit your brand identity

Using colour in social media graphics can dramatically impact how effective they are. This is especially true when it comes to Facebook and Instagram. This article will explain why and how to ensure you use the right colour combinations to create the best possible impact for your business.
Colour is powerful
Whether you are thinking about Facebook and Instagram marketing or about using other social networks, the fact is that the colour you use on your posts influences whether people are likely to click on the post.
There are many reasons why colour is powerful. The first one is the way that our brains process information. Our eyes see colours differently from how our brains do. This means that we can see much more information than we actually can process at the same time. So a colour that helps us recognise information or a message quickly can significantly affect how easily we can process that information.
The second reason is that our eyes respond strongly to different colours. The blue-green spectrum is often used to represent emotion. In general, blues, greens and yellows represent the most positive emotions, while reds, oranges and browns are associated with negative feelings.
The third reason is that the way we see colours changes depending on the lighting conditions. We can use this to our advantage when we want to show a certain mood or atmosphere.
Finally, colours are often linked to the way we feel or think. For example, yellow is considered the colour of energy and optimism. When you use this colour for a social media post, you are helping to promote the mood of that post and the idea that people should feel optimistic and energised.
Colours in context
Now let's look at the impact of colours when used in a social media post.
The most obvious type of graphic for posts on Facebook is a photo. This allows you to show an image of yourself, your products or your team. Using colour effectively for a picture requires careful consideration.
For example, if you want to show an image that looks like a person's photograph, you should use a grey or black background. These colours will make the subject appear more notable.
If, on the other hand, you want to use colour to emphasise your product or service, then the background should be in a bright colour that stands out from the product. In other words, the background colour should match the product's colour.
So, for example, if you sell jewellery, you would choose an orange background for a post about that product. This will make the jewellery stand out. It will also make the post look much more professional because the background colour will make it stand out.
However, if you are trying to advertise a new range of clothing, you should probably choose a light grey or beige background to avoid distracting the clothes.
How to use colours in a post
This might seem obvious, but you must ensure that your chosen colour works. To do this, you should test it out on a small number of people. Ask them to look at the post and make sure they can tell what the colours mean. If they can't, change the colours around until you find the right combination.
When testing out the colours, it's a good idea to change the lighting conditions in which the post will appear. This will help you to find out what effect the colours have.
Finally, try to keep the colours consistent across the entire post. You can do this by only using the same colours in the post's header, sub-header and body. Using a consistent colour palette within each post section would be best.
To create an image that will resonate with your audience and generate sales, you must start with a clear understanding of what you want to communicate. Think about how the image relates to your brand, message, and product. Then, think about how you want it to look. The final step is to consider all these factors and determine how to use each to create a compelling image. Once you have a clear vision for the design, you can start creating a concept that will capture your audience's attention.
Social media graphics are a great way to attract new customers, build brand awareness and promote your product or service. Here's how to create them.