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13 Best Tools to Schedule Instagram Posts From your PC

13 Best Tools to Schedule Instagram Posts From your PC

Are you a marketer looking for the best ways to schedule Instagram posts online? Scheduling can be a great way to eliminate too much effort when marketing your content.

So, we will try to give you the benefits and ways to schedule Instagram posts correctly. With the best schedulers, you can improve marketing and get better results. So, try these tools to help you have better results when you use them on a PC.

Why is Scheduling Important?

Scheduling has multiple benefits, including seamless results when looking to post. 

You can use this scheduling method to reach more people at the right time. So you do not have to worry about targeting a specific demographic audience. This applies to all audiences, as you can post according to your needs.

The experts believe that this kind of posting can help you save time. You can stay consistent with scheduling. So you do not have to worry about any breaks in your content creation and posting.

The experts also believe that it helps boost engagement. Now that we know the benefits of scheduling Instagram posts, we can post the content with the following tools:

1 – SocialBee

Socialbee Schedule Instagram Posts Pc Mac

This tool is among the best you can find for better results in your scheduling. With its features supporting the following types of posts, you can improve your scheduling.

  • You can try to boost your single image for the proper reach.
  • With this tool, you can share your video.
  • It helps you have better carousel scheduling. 
  • You can also try to schedule your story with it.
  • SocialBee helps you post the first comment you need on your post. So you can use it for better results. 
  • This tool can help you tag different accounts on your posts and help you increase your content reach.
  • You can also try to mention an account in your posts.

These features make SocialBee a valuable tool for your marketing. 

2 – Sendible 

This tool can also help you have a schedule that beats the competition. You can schedule Instagram photos, images, and videos with this one. You can try it without any push notifications and can add geotag locations.

It also allows you to add first comments. You can also use these comments to increase discoverability. 

This tool allows you to have support from real people. So, you can be sure you get better results with improved marketing. The best features of this tool are the ability to schedule single photo and video posts.

You can schedule reminders for the stories and video posts you use. It also allows you to preview your posts before scheduling. At the same time, you can review all your scheduled, queued, and drafted posts.

Other features of this tool allow you to use images for integrations and optimise photos. At the same time, you can analyse the post-performance.

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3 – ContentCal

Contentcal Social Media Calendar

This tool is a great one that you can use to create templates and approve your content, which is possible here. You can also use it to get content ideas from your team and use a marketing hub for the content you like.

It also allows you to schedule Instagram posts in a variety of destinations. At the same time, you can use a pinboard to draft posts and inspiration for your calendar. 

It allows you to label and organise your content according to your theme. This eases up your efforts and gives you better results in marketing.

You can also try it out to share marketing content and create a plus-plan visual calendar. One of the best features of this one is pausing content. You can also use it to make notes for your calendar. Moreover, you can save the hashtags that you add to your posts.

4 – Tailwind

Tailwind is a valuable tool for multiple reasons and can help you with several types of problems that it can solve. It allows you to have intelligent insights and helps you by finding hashtags. 

You can reach more people by getting the most relevant hashtags you can mix up for. With this one, you can save the best-performing hashtag lists as well. Moreover, you can use it to create a brand style and design.

It allows you to use post ideas to help you post according to your business needs. You can use it to drag and drop for your planning as well.

It also helps you by allowing you to add links to your Instagram posts. At the same time, you can use it to understand what is working best for your marketing with the understanding of analytics.

5 – Hootsuite 

You can try Hootsuite to schedule a single video or image. At the same time, it allows you to post hundreds of posts. It helps you with an auto-schedule too. You can use it to get instant content reviews with a built-in planner.

6 – Later 

Later Best Social Media Tool

Later is another one that you can use for better scheduling. It helps you as it allows you to schedule a single video or photo. You can use it to schedule stories and carousel posts. At the same time, you can use it to extend your reach with the first comment.

You can use it to get a visual planner and preview scheduled content. Later allows you to manage multiple profiles from one account and helps you keep your videos and photos separate. You can use Later to keep all your content in one place and make it accessible on all devices your team uses.

7 – Falcon

Falcon is a helpful scheduler that you can use to schedule Instagram posts to plan ahead of time. With this one, you can see your published posts that you can use for editing. It also allows you to publish one image or video post. 

You can use Falcon for approval flow and brand consistency. This means it allows you to have better posts as you can manage it with a workflow you must try out when publishing.

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8 – Loomly 

How To Schedule Instagram Posts Pc Mac

Loomly helps you by improving your post-idea bank based on trending topics. It also lets you see date-related events and gives social media best practices.

At the same time, it allows you to manage all of your assets in one place and helps store your content. You can manage and organise your content well with it.

It allows you to see your posts before they are published. Without these previews, you can not have better results and improved publishing. 

So, it gives you a great feature that helps you grow your posts before they are published.

One of the best features Loomly has is that it allows you to collaborate well with your team. So, you can try adding mockups and ensure an excellent approval workflow.

9 – Agorapulse 

Agorapulse can help you with its time-saving features and allows you to schedule your posts well. It is an excellent tool for publishing in bulk form. You can use it to republish your content and get it to Instagram when you want to.

The experts believe that you can use it to publish evergreen content with its help. You can use it to edit it with the built-in features it has. It allows you to manage your hashtags and use them with them. 

Agorapulse also allows you to have analytical information about posts. It can help you have seamless analytics and reporting. 

10 – PromoRepublic  

Promorepublic Social Media Marketing Tool

PromoRepublic can help you improve your marketing as it allows you to automate posting and discover content. 

You can improve your collaborations and generate reports with it. It allows you to have a particular type of colour coding for your category. If you are trying to allow colour codes for blog posts, motivational and fun, promotional and educational posts, you can try this one.

This tool has a unique proposition of better editing help. You can use its library for ideas and backgrounds. The sidebar menu helps you with different graphics objects, shapes, banners, and stickers. 

11 – SocialPilot 

The social pilot allows you to schedule the first comment when publishing your post. You can also try it with hashtags that allow you better reach. Once you have your content with hashtags that you can use, your content will grow the extra mile when you have your comments there. It also helps you have multiple video scheduling and allows better help with scrolling away.

You can use Canva, which comes with its integration for your posting and designing. It helps you access data to make the right decisions with better analytics. 

At the same time, it allows you to collaborate with your team and work together on one project. This tool can help you have increased Instagram likes; that is one of the primary objectives, 

You can use these tools to manage your campaigns well. It allows you to have a content calendar that comes with campaign tags. You can use this tool to have excellent customer relationships and collaboration in the smart inbox. 

You can use it to improve engagement by monitoring Instagram. It helps you manage and reply to messages and monitor hashtags in the feed. Sprout enables you to manage your connections and create them easily by resharing videos and images. 

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12 – Iconosquare

Iconosquare Instagram Scheduler

Iconosquare is one of the best schedulers that helps you save time and help with geolocation and user tagging. You can also try it to post at the best time and have an Instagram feed preview.

You can use it for industry benchmarks and help improve your understanding of your reach, engagement, and follower growth. You can use this tool to report the results you are getting. So, it allows you to deliver a better understanding of your content creation results.

It helps you with better reporting whenever you are looking to export the information to the client you are working for. So, it allows you to have better marketing and reporting for your clients.

13 – Pallyy 

You can try Pallyy to schedule Instagram posts and get results with marketing. Its Canva integration feature can help you save time and ensure you do not spend too much time creating content. You can use it to drag and drop for your calendar.

It allows you to know your analytics and manage your comments. You can use this tool to manage your comments and hide, show, and reply to your comments fast. You can also use it to create a bio link.

This tool can help you by allowing you to explore user-generated content when you search for hashtags. You can repost it later once you save it to the library. 

Final Thoughts 

We discussed some of the top tools you should know about when scheduling your content on Instagram.

Using sprout social, Hootsuite, SocialBee, Sendible, and ContentCal can help you schedule better. These tools also have additional tools to maintain your marketing well and bring better help.

You can also use these to understand your market and collaborate with your team. These features make these tools great for improving your Instagram marketing results. 

Later, Falcon and Loomly are the tools you can use for the same purpose and have multiple other benefits. They help you with improved marketing and better management.

Managing multiple accounts for Instagram and using them to market a brand and product is an excellent source of improved sales. So, it would help if you tried these tools, allowing you to have better scheduling with multiple posts at a time.

So, try all these tools to schedule Instagram posts, make your content consistent and make sure you know your competitors. These tools also allow for better marketing and understanding of your content needs. Built-in libraries and Canva integration help you save time and have more ideas for the following posts. So, they are helpful in multiple ways.

Author Bio: I am Adeel Nazir, a marketing enthusiast who loves writing about marketing tips and has a love for design, fashion, and travel. These niches are my passion, and I love them with my heart.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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