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The 15 Best Branding Books for Building a Brand

Stuart Crawford

Here are 15 of the best branding books on our list – each capable of being your next lightbulb moment or fitting perfectly into your brand strategy.

The 15 Best Branding Books for Building a Brand

In a world of noise, the brand is the only thing that can save you. 

It’s more than just a logo or a catchy slogan; it is the story we tell about ourselves, the promises we make and the feelings we create. 

The problem is this: making a memorable and impactful brand is hard work. It takes time, effort and creativity.

This is where books come in. Not just any books, though – ones that get straight to the point and leave an impression. 

Books that make you question what you thought you knew and change your perspective entirely. Books that challenge everything about how we believe our business should be run and who its customers are.

There are 15 game-changing branding books on our list – each capable of being your next lightbulb moment or fitting perfectly into your brand strategy puzzle. 

They won’t perform miracles because those don’t exist, but when used by people ready to think, apply themselves and act, they become powerful tools.

So are you ready? Ready to find out which resources could take your company’s trajectory from zero to hero? 

Let’s dive deep into these literary gems which have moulded great minds across industries, both big-name enterprises and small-fry innovators.

Why Branding Matters More Than Ever

Luxury Branding Gender Neutral

Before starting our book list, let’s discuss why branding is a big deal today. In a world where people receive thousands of messages daily, it isn’t good enough to be nice; you must stand out.

The Power of Perception

Consider this: What do you think when you hear “Apple”? Maybe sleek design or innovation? That’s branding. It’s not only about products; it’s also about emotions and associations attached to a word or symbol.

Beyond the Logo

Visuals are just one part of what makes up branding. It involves the story you tell, the values you stand for, and the kind of experience you provide. This is why someone might pick one café over another even if they serve the same coffee — because of your brand.

Building Trust in a Skeptical World

With so much fake news, trust has become more challenging than ever. However, strong brands still manage to build it up anyway; they act like promises made by businesses that must always be kept.

Now that we’ve covered some essential points about branding let us get started on those books that will surely guide us through this confusing world full of different brands.

1. “Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller

Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to some brands? Well, that is not a coincidence. In this book, Miller explores the might of storytelling in branding and how you can make your customer the protagonist of your brand’s narrative.

What is one of the most important things we learn from this book? Clarity always beats being clever. According to Miller, there is a method for ensuring your message is transparent to grab customers’ attention and make them act on it.

This book stands out because it gives practical advice. You will leave with an easy-to-follow plan for crafting a brand story that will connect with your readership and their hearts.

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2. “Designing Brand Identity” by Alina Wheeler

Wheeler’s book would be considered the holy scripture of branding if it were a religion. It is inclusive, discussing research, brand strategy and identity design, among other things.

A feast for the eyes with more than 700 illustrations, this book is perfect for visual learners looking to see how the principles of branding work in practice.

Rather than just telling you about them, Wheeler illustrates her points using case studies from globally recognised brands; you can then use these insights when working on your brand.

Designing Brand Identity: A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Brands and Branding
  • Hardcover Book
  • Wheeler, Alina (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 352 Pages – 03/06/2024 (Publication Date) – Wiley (Publisher)

3. “Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits” by Debbie Millman

Have you ever wished for an opportunity to talk to branding icons? This is it! Millman’s book contains interviews with industry giants.

The author included anthropologists and CEOs, among other professionals. Therefore, this literature provides a comprehensive outlook on branding from all angles. It’s basically like sitting on your sofa while attending a branding conference!

It is not just another one of those books telling us how things are done; no, this publication will force us into deep thoughts about what brands mean in our society and why they matter.

Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Millman, Debbie (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 336 Pages – 05/01/2013 (Publication Date) – Allworth (Publisher)

4. “Zag: The Number One Strategy of High-Performance Brands” by Marty Neumeier

When All Others Zig, You Must Zag

Differentiation is the topic of Neumeier’s book. In a crowded marketplace, it’s not enough to choose — you must make yourself chosen.

Discover why “better” doesn’t cut it anymore. According to Neumeier, genuine success implies being distinctive and relevant to your target audience.

In terms of length, this book falls slightly around 200 pages; however, it is crammed with helpful advice. It’s suitable for time-poor business owners looking to gain branding knowledge quickly and easily.

Zag: The Number One Strategy of High-Performance Brands
  • Neumeier, Marty (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 192 Pages – 09/20/2006 (Publication Date) – New Riders (Publisher)

5. “Brand Gap” by Marty Neumeier

Neumeier’s latest work, this book, is about the intersection of brand strategy with design. It simply means matching what you say to how you look.

Five Principles of Establishing a Brand

According to Neumeier, five disciplines should be addressed: differentiation, collaboration, innovation, validation and cultivation. Become proficient in them, and your brand will succeed.

This book also exploits pictures for emphasis, as do many other books by its author. He teaches one how to convey complicated ideas in an easy-to-understand manner, a must-have skill for any visual designer.

The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design
  • Neumeier, Marty (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 208 Pages – 08/04/2005 (Publication Date) – New Riders (Publisher)

6. “Emotional Branding” by Marc Gobé

According to Gobé, brands must make emotional connections for their marketing to succeed in the future. It is not enough to meet needs; wants must also be met.

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Discover how to get all five senses involved with branding. Sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are all discussed as they relate to how people perceive brands.

This book examines how companies can keep up with culture in an ever-changing world. If you want your brand to last long, it’s a necessary read.

Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People
  • Author: Gobe Marc. | Publisher: Allworth Press| Pages: 360| Publication Date: 2010-02-09| Edition: Updated and Revised Edition| Binding: Paperback| MSRP: 0.00| ISBN13: 9781581156720| ISBN: 1581156723| Other ISBN: 9781581157376| Other ISBN Binding: print| Language: en| Store Location: Money|”Book cover image may be different than what appears on the actual book.”
  • Gobe, Marc (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 360 Pages – 02/09/2010 (Publication Date) – Allworth Press (Publisher)

7. “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek

Sinek wrote that this work is necessary to establish a valuable brand. It explains that you must begin with your “why,” which is your purpose or belief.

The Golden Circle

Great leaders and organisations inspire action by communicating from the inside out. In his book, Sinek introduces the idea of the Golden Circle.

This book offers guidelines on how to create brand stories which are inspiring and resonate deeply with your audience at an emotional level

Start With Why
  • Simon Sinek (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 52 Pages – 02/11/2025 (Publication Date) – Portfolio (Publisher)

8. “Brand Sense” by Martin Lindstrom

According to Lindstrom, successful brands engage all five senses. This can mean more than just creating an image in someone’s mind; it could also involve touch, taste, smell and sound.

Brands are not just about their appearance but what people think of them. The book examines science, which studies how our brain perceives different brands or products.

If you want your brand to last forever, this is the chapter for you! Learn about appealing to timeless human senses and emotions for a business or product to become well-known.

BRAND sense: Sensory Secrets Behind the Stuff We Buy
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Lindstrom, Martin (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 230 Pages – 06/16/2008 (Publication Date) – Free Press (Publisher)

9. “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” by Al Ries and Jack Trout

This book was first published in 2001 and remains applicable today, bringing “positioning” into marketing.

In a world where people are bombarded with information, Ries and Trout explain how to place your brand in your potential customer's mind. This means taking up a position in their minds.

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The book also provides practical suggestions for establishing your brand’s position – whether you’re already a leader or just starting in the market.

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, 20th Anniversary Edition
  • New
  • 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Hardcover
  • Beautiful Dustcover
  • Hardcover Book

10. “Brand New: The Shape of Brands to Come” by Wally Olins

Olins, a pioneer of brand strategists, gives his thoughts on branding in the digital era. This book looks forward to helping you to be ready for tomorrow.

This book uses cases worldwide to bring an international outlook on branding and how companies do it.

Branding with a Human Touch

Olins wants us to remember that humans should always lie at the heart of any good brand. He does this when almost everything else has become technology-based, which is quite interesting.

Brand New: The Shape of Brands to Come
  • Olins, Wally (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 300 Pages – 04/22/2014 (Publication Date) – Thames & Hudson (Publisher)

11. “Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love from Day One” by Emily Heyward

Heyward's book is a godsend for start-ups and small businesses. It shows how to build a compelling brand from scratch.

This book contains many examples from successful start-ups, giving you specific recommendations you can act on now.

The Most Important Thing: Be Authentic

Find out why authenticity matters in today's market — and how to ensure your brand reflects it in everything you do.

Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love from Day One
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Emily Heyward (Author) – Lisa Flanagan (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 06/09/2020 (Publication Date) – Penguin Audio (Publisher)

12. “Brand Leadership: Building Assets in an Information Economy” by David A. Aaker and Erich Joachimsthaler

It is more than just a tool for marketing, according to Aaker and Joachimsthaler. It is an asset that can drive business success.

You need to know how to build and manage brands across the globe. This is a crucial skill in our interconnected society.

By providing a framework for creating and managing brand identity, the book offers guidance to those who lead brands.

Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an Information Economy
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Joachimsthaler, Erich (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 370 Pages – 09/23/2009 (Publication Date) – Free Press (Publisher)

13. “This Is Marketing” by Seth Godin

Even though his book is not only about branding, it gives helpful information on how brands can engage with people more significantly.

Here, you will discover how to create brands people would be eager to interact with, not those that irritate or disturb them.

This is where Godin talks about creating a tribe around your brand – having a community of people who support your values and share your vision.

This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See
  • Hardcover Book
  • Godin, Seth (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 288 Pages – 11/13/2018 (Publication Date) – Portfolio (Publisher)

14. “Brand Atlas: Branding Intelligence Made Visible” by Alina Wheeler and Joel Katz

This unique book uses pictures and diagrams to explain complicated concepts of branding. This is ideal for people who think visually.

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This book takes the reader through everything they need to know about brands, from their structure to how customers experience them – all presented in a visually exciting format.

Think of this as your brand bible. As you work on building or modifying your brand, there will be many occasions when you’ll want to refer back to it multiple times.

Brand Atlas: Branding Intelligence Made Visible
  • Hardcover Book
  • Wheeler, Alina (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 144 Pages – 03/29/2011 (Publication Date) – Wiley (Publisher)

15. “Sticky Branding: 12.5 Principles to Stand Out, Attract Customers, and Grow an Incredible Brand” by Jeremy Miller

Miller presents actionable advice on how you can make your brand stick in the minds of consumers.

Although it is applicable across the board, this book is most helpful for small businesses aiming to compete with larger ones.

Every principle has steps that can be taken so they are implemented in your company – this is about putting ideas into action.

Sticky Branding: 12.5 Principles to Stand Out, Attract Customers & Grow an Incredible Brand
  • Miller, Jeremy (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 216 Pages – 06/04/2019 (Publication Date) – Page Two (Publisher)

Bringing It All Together: Your Branding Masterplan

Wow! We went far, didn’t we? These books cover everything from storytelling to sensory branding, from positioning to purpose—a full education on building and maintaining a solid brand.

But let me tell you: reading is just the beginning. The real fun starts when you take these ideas and apply them to your brand. It’s about finding those bits of advice that speak directly to your unique situation and running with them.

Just remember, brands are never one-and-done. They’re constantly growing, changing, getting better or worse. The ones that last are true to themselves while still being able to adapt over time.

So what comes after this? Maybe you use Miller’s StoryBrand framework to clarify your brand story. Perhaps you will rethink everything after learning about Lindstrom’s ideas on sensory branding. Whatever it is, do something with it. Your business will thank you!

Also, don’t feel like you have to stick within each book’s borders either; some of the best strategies come from mixing insights nobody ever thought belonged together.

Now go out there and be a brilliant brander!

FAQs on Branding Books

Do all these books need to be read to create a great brand?

No. You can start with those closely related to your current branding challenges. Even one or two books can make a big difference when implementing their ideas.

I am a small business owner. Do these books apply to me?

Definitely! Some books may be centred around more prominent brands, but the concepts are applicable at any scale—especially books like “Obsessed” and “Sticky Branding” for small businesses.

Can branding affect my bottom line?

Yes! A strong brand can command premium prices, drive customer loyalty, and provide a competitive advantage. It is an investment that pays off over time.

I’m in a “boring” industry. Can these principles of branding still work for me?

Absolutely! Branding can significantly impact traditionally viewed as unexciting industries, where you have more chances to stand out.

How do I know if my branding efforts were successful?

Key metrics include brand awareness, customer loyalty, market share or brand equity. Many of these books also touch upon measuring brand performance.

Is it ever too late to rebrand?

Never! Many companies succeed through rebranding – the crucial thing is doing it thoughtfully with a clear strategy in mind.

How do I stay true to my brand while allowing it to evolve with time?

This is often challenging, but you should identify core values and attributes that must remain constant while being flexible in expressing them differently depending on the situation and changes around you.

Can I create a strong brand on a small budget?

Absolutely! Though having a vast amount of money can be beneficial, the most significant elements related to branding, like message clarity and consistency, do not require much funds.

Where does digital/social media fit into my branding strategy?

Digital and social media are essential for expressing brand engagement. Some books (especially recent ones) discuss integrating digital strategies into a general approach towards your brand.

Is personal branding different from business branding?

While there are similarities between these two types, personal branding often needs a more intimate, authentic standpoint. Nevertheless, many principles from business branding can be applied in individual contexts, too.

How long until I see results from my efforts in building a brand?

This depends on factors such as industry, market, and tactics implemented. Thus, it may take some time before specific changes show their outcomes, so one should be patient while keeping regularity throughout this process.

Last update on 2025-02-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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