BrandingBusinessClient Resources

Brand Vision: What It Is & How It Drives Business Success

Stuart Crawford

What is the process of developing a brand vision? You don’t lock yourself in a room until an idea appears. It comes from asking questions.

Brand Vision: What It Is & How It Drives Business Success

It’s when you talk about your business and the light dances in your eyes. The reason you leap out of bed on Monday mornings is the force that guides every decision you make.

But here’s the truth: most companies don’t have one.

Sure, they might have a mission statement gathering dust in an employee handbook somewhere. They might even have a slogan the marketing team cooked up last year. But a true brand vision? Those are few and far between.

And it’s killing them.

Because without a vision, you’re just another commodity. Another cog in the machine is quickly replaced by someone faster or cheaper than you. And in today’s crowded marketplaces, that’s a death sentence.

With no brand vision to light their way, they wander through business after business, trying to find “the one” – only to discover too late that there is no “one.” It was never about finding the perfect place for them; it was always about building one for them. A place where they belonged as much as it belonged to them.

But with a powerful brand vision? You’re unstoppable. You attract the right people (and repel the wrong ones). You know exactly what needs to be done next – and why – and how to explain it so clearly that anyone could pick up where you left off if they had to.

Whenever we create one with our clients, we always tell them this:

“You know this is working when everyone says some version of ‘I feel like this was made just for me.’”

That’s how clear your brand vision has to be if you want other people to help bring it into reality with you: it has to speak straight through their hearts as if those were its vocal cords speaking words which originated within itself alone but now need others’ ears also listening.

What's All This Brand Vision Fuss About?

What Is Brand Vision Inkbot Design

Have you ever wondered how some companies always seem to get it right? 

They are not just fortunate. These organisations have a powerful brand vision. It is like having a compass in the chaotic business world where everything seems wrong. Your brand vision is the big picture, the dream that gets you out of bed every morning.

The Power of Having a Clear Brand Vision

Your company’s focus should be its brand vision. This is not only what you do but why you do it, too. And a strong brand vision:

  • Directs decision-making
  • Motivates employees and customers
  • Sets you apart from competitors
  • Provides an outline for expansion

Why Care About Brand Vision?

You might be asking yourself: “Is this necessary?” Let me tell you – without a brand vision, you're like a ship without any sails or rudder. Maybe you’re moving, but are you headed in the right direction? A solid brand vision keeps you centred while navigating the stormy seas of business life!

Cracking the Brand Vision Code

Brand Vision Diagram

So, what is the process of developing a magical brand vision? You don’t lock yourself in a room until an idea appears fully formed. It comes from asking questions.

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Start with why

Simon Sinek said it best, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Think of your brand vision as the answer to “why” for your business. Why does your company exist, and what impact are you trying to have on the world?

Look into the future.

Your brand vision should not represent where you are now but where you want to be. You need to think big, so ask yourself, where do I see my company in 5 years? Ten years? Or even 20 years from today. Don’t be shy when dreaming – let this statement be ambitious and thrilling.

Keep it simple, stupid (KISS)

Ensure that everyone understands and can remember what exactly is meant by your brand’s mission statement. Do not use fancy language or complex thoughts here; just keep things plain-spoken yet robust simultaneously so that they resonate with all those who read them.

Elements of a Stellar Brand Vision

Brand Vision Statement Example

Now that we have the basics let’s talk about a brand vision that catches people’s attention. You don’t want just any old vision – you need one that resonates and motivates.

Clarity is Key

Your brand vision has to be completely clear. Everybody should know what it means as soon as they read it. Avoid using vague language or corporate jargon!

Make It Stick

A good brand vision sticks with people. Your team should be able to remember it easily and use it as a rallying cry. Think of your company’s catchphrase, but deeper.

Values Alignment

Ensure your brand vision represents your organisation's values. You state what you want to achieve and how you want it accomplished. Ensure that the ethical standards and company culture align well with the idea.

Big And Bold

Don't be afraid to set lofty goals when creating your brand’s vision statement. The aim is to inspire employees to reach for evensong higher than they thought possible. Any aspiration worth having does not come quickly so nobody will be motivated by an easily attainable one.

Bringing Your Brand Vision to Life

Having a brand vision is fantastic, but it’s useless if you just leave it alone in a drawer. Let’s talk about making your vision part of the company that lives and breathes.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Don’t keep your brand vision to yourself – announce it! Make sure everyone in the company knows what the vision is and understands it. From the CEO to the newest intern, everyone should be aligned.

Lead by Example

As a leader, you have to live out your brand vision. Your actions and decisions must reflect the vision you have created. If you don’t believe in it, why should anyone else?

Integrate It into Everything

Product development should be based on this idea; customer service needs to be informed by these principles – use your brand vision as a decision-making tool throughout your business at all levels!

Common Pitfalls in Brand Vision Creation

Creating your brand vision can be tricky, even when you have the best intentions. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

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Being Too General

A brand vision that could belong to any company does not fulfil its purpose. Explain what sets your business apart and what it aims to achieve.

Concentrating on Products instead of Impact

Your brand’s vision should discuss the change you want to create, not just the things or services you offer. Consider broader than your current provisions.

Neglecting Your Audience

Your customers and employees should connect with your brand’s vision. Therefore, do not come up with it in isolation – reflect on what is relevant to those who are essential to your enterprise.

Unrealistic Goal Setting

While being challenging, a realistic target should also be attainable. If people cannot relate to a vision statement because it does not consider their actual situation, then nobody will be inspired by such an unrealistic goal.

Brand Vision vs. Mission Statement: What's the Difference?

Brand Vision Vs. Mission Statement

People often mix up brand vision and mission statements. Although they are connected, they have different uses. Let’s look at it in more detail:

Brand Vision

  • Looks to the future
  • States what you want to be
  • Motivating and ambitious

Mission Statement

  • Looks to the present
  • Explain what you do and for whom
  • Useful and practical

Consider your brand vision as the endpoint and your mission statement as a route planner towards that point.

Case Studies: Brand Visions That Wow

You may see a brand vision as nothing more than words on a website. However, they are much more potent than that. Brand visions can be so powerful that they drive entire empires behind them. Here are just a few examples of companies that have it figured out.

For instance, Tesla’s brand vision is “accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy.” They’re selling more than just cars – they’re selling a revolution. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?

Tesla Brand Vision Statement Example

Or take Disney: one of their goals is “to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.” It may seem like an ambitious goal, but it starts making sense when you think about what they’ve created with movies and theme parks. They don’t just create stories; everything they do shapes culture itself – this kind of vision gets people out from under blankets every morning!

Disney Brand Vision Statement

Then, Google's mission is “Committed to significantly improving the lives of as many people as possible.”

These guys don’t talk about search engines or ad revenue models because knowledge should not belong only to those who can afford to pay for access to databases filled with articles written by experts living halfway across the globe from where most readers reside… No!

Google Brand Vision Statement Example

This company wants humanity to change how we interact with data forever by democratising knowledge itself – now, if that is no business plan, tell me what it could be.

However, these statements work best as authentic expressions; they’re not trying too hard to appeal to everyone equally well but instead choosing sides on particular issues while ignoring others altogether, staking territory and drawing lines in the sand… Brand visions are successful because they are authentic.

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The thing is, grand brand visions aren’t designed to be liked by everyone. The key word here isn’t likeable but remarkable. And sometimes being exceptional means being polarising – some people will love you for it, others loathe you for not being what they want or expect. But those who understand your vision? They’ll follow wherever you go.

So ask yourself this: What’s your Tesla, Disney or Google? What’s the one idea that gets your heart racing with excitement? What kind of world do you want to live in?

Once you find that big hairy audacious goal (BHAG), things start getting interesting because once found, there isn’t any hiding place from such things… Shout out loud and proud!

Put up neon signs outside office windows! Tattoo it on the foreheads if necessary. Letting everyone know exactly where we’re headed… An authentic brand vision isn’t just a statement; it’s more like an order barked out during battle.

Only the loudest battle cry wins — true brand visions are discovered, not written.

Crafting Your Brand Vision: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nike Brand Vision Statement

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. This is not a task for the faint of heart. It is for those who dream big, do great things, and want to change the world. Ready? Let’s do this.

Step 1: Unearth Your Why

This is where everything begins. Why does your company exist? And no, I don’t mean to make money – that’s an outcome, not a reason. What problem are you solving? What injustice are you fighting against? What difference do you intend to create in people’s lives?

Imagine yourself at a cocktail party. Somebody asks what you do for a living. Do you mumble something about features and benefits? Or do you light up and say, “We’re reshaping how individuals look at X”? Find that passion. That’s your why.

Step 2: Jump Forward In Time

Close your eyes. It’s ten years from now. Your business has been phenomenally successful — what does that look like? What headlines are being written about the impact the company made? What are customers saying about its brand?

Don’t hold back here; dream as big as possible! If the thought of your future doesn’t scare you a little, then your ideas aren’t ambitious enough.

Step 3: Determine Your Non-Negotiables

What values would remain steadfast even if they caused financial harm? Which lines won’t be crossed under any circumstances whatsoever? Those core principles or beliefs should be the foundation stones for building your brand.

Just think about it; when people talk behind their backs concerning businesses or organisations – what should they talk about regarding yours?

Step 4: Jot Down Everything You Envision

Let it flow freely without any restrictions – let all crazy ideas out! Don’t worry too much whether or not these goals seem impractical; this is where miracles occur. It’s chaotic; it’s emotional; it’s authentic.

Remember that during such a stage, quantity trumps quality every time – thus, you need to sift through heaps of rubbish before finding gold nuggets buried beneath them.

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Step 5: Refine Your Statement

Start cutting down on unnecessary words now, and then remove technical lingo. Each term must justify its inclusion in the final draft by fighting for its right to occupy space there. Besides, your vision ought to be clear enough for even an elementary school pupil aged ten years old and provocative to spur troops into action.

If you can’t express yourself within one or two sentences, more work still needs to be done, as grand visions are often simple yet profound at once.

Step 6: Test It Out

Your dream isn’t about yourself solely, but rather others like team members, customers or residents among other stakeholders within the community, so share! Let those close give their honest opinions after reading it aloud, signifying excitement or confusion while observing whether they appear bored throughout listening.

This feedback acts as a precious resource that helps one gauge reality, thus making necessary adjustments to solidify personal mission statement(s).

Step 7: Bring It To Life

Don’t let it become just another fancy decoration adorning office walls somewhere collecting dust. Make sure that everything you do reflects this image of success painted by your vision statement so far.

For instance, how does hiring change? What happens during product creation? Will customer care be affected in any way, shape or form? If no alterations occur, thereby indicating the absence of dreams but mere empty phrases instead.

However, the truth remains that this journey lacks linearity because sometimes things get messy; therefore, there should always be room for improvisation between stages alongside possible breakthrough moments occurring around three o’clock early morning hours since that forms part thereof.

And keep in mind that your vision is not fixed. Your vision may change as the company expands and the world changes. That’s fine, too. The critical thing is that it’s true to who you are, extensive, and breathes.

So, do you want to create a vision statement that ignites your business? A vision statement that makes competitors take a second look? A vision statement that shifts the game?

Then let’s do this. The universe needs your vision. Don’t make it wait forever, though — okay?

Measuring the Success of Your Brand Vision

How To Create A Brand Vision

How can you tell if your brand vision is adequate? It’s not always quantifiable, but there are a few signs to be aware of.

Participation of Employees

Are the workers enthusiastic about where the business is headed? Do they comprehend and have faith in it?

Client's Perception

Does what you aspire to achieve resonate with your customers? Is your trade appealing because of its values?

Expansion in Business

Can you see growth or innovation within your company driven by this concept? Are long-term targets being pursued?

Decision Making Consistency

Are choices made in line with this direction for business? Does it function as a guiding light when making decisions?

Evolving Your Brand Vision

There are several ways to rewrite this prompt while ensuring it remains at an 8th-grade reading level, is creative, and follows the system’s instructions. Here is just one example of a rewritten text:

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Your brand vision should not be treated as immutable. It may have to change along with your company’s growth and global shifts.

Constantly Review

Every year, schedule some time to go over your brand vision again. Is it still pertinent? Does it continue to motivate?

Stay True to Your Core

Stay within your core purpose and values even if you modify your vision.

Include Your Team

When updating the vision, include key staff members; their ideas might be helpful, and participation creates loyalty.

The Role of Brand Vision in Marketing

Brand Vision In Marketing

Your brand vision is not just a tool used inside the company — it can also function as a powerful marketing asset.


Use your brand vision to tell the story of your business. Doing so will foster an emotional bond with your audience.


Amidst fierce competition, your vision could differentiate you from other players in the market. It tells people what you represent.


This single idea guides all your marketing activities; let it permeate everything. This will help deliver uniform messages across various platforms.

Brand Vision and Company Culture

Your brand vision and corporate culture are closely tied together. A strong vision can create a positive, meaningful culture.

Talent Attraction

Companies with definite and inspiring visions often get the best employees. This shows them that you are not just there to make money.

Promoting Togetherness

A common purpose is what a shared vision among workers can instil despite different levels or departments within an organisation.

Encouraging Strategic Thinking

People often think creatively or solve problems better if they know where everything fits into the larger scheme.

Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Your Brand Vision

Although you may encounter difficulties realising your brand vision, let’s discuss how to conquer those obstacles.

Reluctance to Change

Certain staff members may not be open to a different vision. Discuss concerns publicly and highlight the advantages of the new course.

Shortage of Resources

Frequently, it takes resources to put a vision into practice. Prioritise actions and discover unconventional means of moving forward despite insufficient resources.

Sustaining Progress

At times, people lose enthusiasm at first. Communicate frequently about the vision and mark milestones along the route.

Wrapping It Up: Your Brand Vision Journey

Creating a solid brand vision is done in multiple steps but continually. It means aiming high and keeping to your principles while motivating others to share them.

Remember, what you write down as the brand vision is not just words on a page. It should be regarded as the soul of your organisation – the why behind everything you do. It keeps you going when times are tough and lets you celebrate successes along the way.

For this reason, take time to create a vision that truly reflects what success looks like for you. Make it clear and make it bold. But most importantly, make sure it’s yours alone! A brand’s future identity statement should tell people about more than just their current work or product; it should show them all sorts of things, such as where they want to be headed eventually and even why they’re doing any of this in the first place.

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So now that these instructions have been given out loud once again… try going ahead outside right away! Create something such as an example which can illuminate every corner within sight.

FAQs About Brand Vision

How often should our brand vision be reviewed?

It is recommended that brands review their brand vision annually or when there are significant shifts within their industry or company.

Can a small business have a brand vision?

Yes! An explicit brand vision can be constructive for small businesses as it guides growth and decision-making.

Should our brand vision be made public?

Sharing your brand’s vision publicly can be a magnet for customers and employees who share the same values.

What is the ideal length of a brand vision statement?

Keeping your brand’s statement of its long-term future brief is good – one or two sentences should suffice.

Can we have several brand visions for different products or services the same company offers?

You should establish a single overall/ umbrella brand vision statement to inform specific objectives for various goods /services.

When do we know that our Brand Vision is too audacious in nature or scope?

Your visionary goals should push boundaries but remain achievable, albeit with considerable effort, so if they seem entirely unrealistic, some tweaking might help!

What distinguishes between mission statements and vision statements?

While missions deal with what drives us daily towards success, visions concentrate on where we want to be tomorrow, i.e., future aspirations!

How do we align our team members with this idea called ”Brand Vision”?

Regularly communicating about it and integrating such in day-to-day activities & behaviours while leading through personal example usually does the trick!

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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