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How Millennial Branding Will Change the World of Advertising

Stuart Crawford

Millennial branding will be the most incredible transformation in advertising since the introduction of television and how brands can adapt to it.

How Millennial Branding Will Change the World of Advertising

The generation of people born between 1981 and 1996 is now the largest group of consumers in the world. They have known life without social media, are the first to embrace new technologies, and demand transparency in all areas of life.

If you're a millennial, you may not be aware of the power of branding. After all, you weren't raised on brands. But now that you're living and breathing, working and thinking like a brand, it's time to embrace the power of branding. We're about to learn how to harness the millennial mindset to take on the world of marketing, advertising, and media in ways that will leave your competition a little behind.

With millennials now outnumbering Baby Boomers in America, and the millennial generation accounting for 40% of the U.S. population, it's time to start thinking about marketing to them differently.

Millennials Are Changing the World of Advertising

Millennial Branding Guide For Brands

Young people today are less likely to want to follow in their parents' footsteps and go straight into the traditional employment paths. According to data from the ONS, millennials are twice as likely to work in the creative industries (as journalists, designers, illustrators and animators) than their older counterparts.

And if you're thinking about starting your own business, Millennials are more likely to have set up a company than their Generation X predecessors. There's also a growing trend of freelancing and side hustles, particularly among the younger generation.

Innovative companies are seeing great success with Millennials. Take the tech company Google, for instance. Its most recent figures show that around 35% of its employees are under 30. And just this week, they revealed that it had had the highest retention rate in its history.

But it's not only large companies embracing Millennials as potential employees and business owners. The creative industries have also seen a significant increase in job offers to young professionals. In 2016 the U.K. Government launched a major initiative to boost skills and employability in these areas.

Millennials Are More Than Just Workers

Millennials have a particular attitude to work. It's not about putting in long hours at a desk; it's about building a career that suits your talents and interests. According to Future Workplace research, millennials have quickly spotted the need to make workplaces more flexible and agile. And they're doing so by looking for alternative ways to earn money.

So many Millennials work from home or flexible hours, so they are far more likely to use technology such as Zoom and WhatsApp to communicate with clients, colleagues and each other.

So although Millennials are often portrayed as lazy and entitled, they're also ambitious, flexible and open-minded. In short, they're the most diverse generation ever.

Moreover, they've got an enormous appetite for learning new skills. According to the British Council, this generation is the most likely to participate in language courses and educational initiatives. They're also more likely to take online courses than any other generation.

And this approach to education has an impact on their jobs. According to the Office for National Statistics, a third of all 16 to 24-year-olds will change jobs at least once in their lifetime. And one in four will change jobs at least twice.

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Millennials are likelier to change roles within the same company or switch careers entirely. They're also more likely to be in charge of training recruits and supporting their peers.

So if you're thinking about getting into advertising, think of what you can do to help shape the future of your industry.

Millennials Are Driving Change in Marketing

Marketing To Millennials

A study released by advertising agency Ogilvy and Mather reveals that “Millennials are driving marketing and advertising in a new way, and this is having an effect on how businesses are run.” It shows that brands must adapt their strategies to meet the needs of younger consumers, who have grown up with the internet, social media and mobile phones.

While many older generations prefer to go out and experience things, Millennials are busy using apps, surfing the internet and staying connected via email, text and social media. This has dramatically impacted marketing strategies, particularly in terms of consumer expectations.

Here are some key trends revealed in the report:

  • The most significant trend is digital transformation and the expectation to access content on-demand. More than half (54 per cent) of consumers feel that companies should do more to deliver relevant content at the right time – and in the right place – whether through their websites or mobile devices.
  • Millennials are also changing the way they shop. The top five ways they use technology in shops include: looking for prices, reviewing reviews, using loyalty cards and checking stock. They are more likely to use technology to compare prices and shop online than older generations, who are much more likely to pay in cash.
  • Consumers are also changing their views on brand promotion. A total of 63 per cent believe that companies should be sharing personal stories about themselves on their websites and apps. They also feel that brands should be taking part in activities with the community rather than being focused on just selling products.
  • Companies are finding it harder to reach Millennials because they choose their favourite brands. Millennials spend almost three times as much time browsing products as older generations, but they are also more likely to switch brands, especially as they become wealthier.
  • Brands are now having to think about how they market themselves. More than half (56 per cent) of Millennials say it's easy to find information about a company on its website. They also expect to receive messages from a brand in various ways, with nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) expecting to receive updates via mobile phone, social media, email or text.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Millennials (62 per cent) are willing to share personal information with a brand, with more than half (53 per cent) saying they would be happy to join a rewards programme. The same number also said they would be willing to make purchases via their mobile device or tablet, while 40 per cent of Millennials are prepared to sign up for a loyalty card.

Ogilvy and Mather surveyed 1,000 US consumers aged 18 to 33 to discover the impact of digital transformation on how consumers shop, the rise of the Millennials and what consumers expect from their brands.

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How to Reach Millennials

Millennial Branding Statistics

Millennials are the most significant generation in the world, and they are here to stay. They are our children, neighbours, co-workers, friends, and more. Millennials are the next generation and the ones to come after us. 

How do brands reach Millennials? There is no one size fits all approach, and different tactics will appeal to different demographics. In this article, we'll explore some key trends for engaging millennials and their parents.

1 – Engaging Millennials

Millennials today are the most connected and tech-savvy generation of all time. They were born between 1980 and 2000, and most now work in the digital world. They grew up with a mobile phone in their hand, and they use it constantly. They are the new “digital natives”, and they want to be able to access the information they need wherever they are. 

Millennials are also the first generation who live with and think of themselves as “digital natives.” While they have grown up in an always-on digital world, they have a completely different relationship with technology than previous generations did. They grew up with mobile phones and computers and playing games online. They are used to being connected. This is why the way we communicate with them is so critical. 

We can no longer talk down to them or assume they are just a bunch of teens hanging out in the mall. They are intelligent, savvy, and engaged in life's happenings. They are not just the future, but they are the present. The question is, how do you reach them?

2 – Millennial Parents

While millennials are the most connected generation of all time, their parents are not. Gen X and boomers are the older generations, and they are living in a much less digital world. This means it is vital to engage with these audiences, especially as they become parents. 

Many millennial parents want to be active in their children's lives but feel overwhelmed and lack the skills. We are seeing more and more resources targeted toward helping young parents raise healthy, successful children.

3 – Gen Z

Gen Z, those born after 1997, are even more tech-savvy. They were born into a world where social media is ubiquitous, and they spend more time on their mobile devices. They were born into a world where they expect access to the information they need wherever they are, and they expect brands to be responsive and to know them. Gen Z was never “brought up” on social media. 

They've grown up with social media and mobile devices and expect that from brands. Brands must understand what it takes to reach these younger audiences and act accordingly.

4 – Millennials vs Gen Z

In many ways, millennials and gen Z are very similar. There is a lot that is shared between the two. There is a lot that is different, however. Millennials are the first to live in an “always-on” digital world. 

They grew up with mobile phones, computers, and social media. While they are growing up in a digital world, they are also “digital immigrants” and are more connected than the generations before them. Gen Z is a more digital native. They grew up with the internet, smartphones, and tablets. They have grown up in a mobile-first world and expect brands to respond quickly and be easy to access.

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5 – Social vs Digital

With social media so ubiquitous, we sometimes forget there is another way to connect with customers. Digital marketing has evolved and changed, but it is still a part of the overall strategy. Other ways to connect with customers may be less expensive or involve fewer resources, but they are not as common as social media. 

For example, some marketers use video to connect with their audiences. Some people are more likely to shop in person or over the phone. It is crucial to consider how you can connect with audiences and not rely solely on social media.

6 – Mobile and Online

Most millennials and gen Z are online, so brands must reach these audiences where they are and with the content they prefer. Mobile and online are equally important; they move simultaneously towards the same places. 

Millennials and gen Z spend nearly every moment of their day online, using their mobile devices to access the content. Millennials and gen Z are the first generations of the always-on digital world. 

With this in mind, it is no surprise that brands also invest in their online marketing. Millennials and gen Z are the two largest age groups in the U.S. on Twitter and Facebook, according to Statista. It is not enough to focus only on one medium. Creating an integrated approach and considering mobile, online, and social media is essential.

7 – Connected and Disconnected

While millennials and gen Z are connected, they are also disconnected. As a result, they want brands to connect with them in a way they can relate to. 

A recent study on Millennial Branding found that millennials and Gen Z wanted brands to connect with them by understanding their problems and issues. They also wanted to be able to connect with brands through technology. 

Both generations felt they had a unique perspective that should be considered when designing products or services. They also wanted to be able to connect through personal experiences.

8 – Social Media and the Internet

The internet has been democratising for generations. There are now more ways to reach millennials and gen Z than ever. Knowing what technology platforms are used and ensuring you meet their expectations and needs is essential. 

According to Millward Brown Digital, 84% of millennials and 93% of Gen Z expect brands to be present online. Social media is also evolving and shifting, so it is vital to keep up with what is happening and learn how to leverage new technology best. It is essential to use both social media and the internet as a part of your marketing strategy.

9 – Content, Culture, and Community

Millennials and gen Z are the most engaged and connected generations. They are the future, and they want to be connected and informed.

5 Things to Consider When Designing For Millennials

Millennial Branding Trend

Millennials are the new kids on the block and will play an essential role in the upcoming years. They are already contributing to the country's economy, but their impact will be felt in the coming years.

There are many things to consider when designing for millennials. The millennial generation's biggest challenge is understanding their needs, wants, and expectations.

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Marketers must consider some essential things to keep them engaged with the brand. Here are the five things that you must consider:

1 – Mobile and social media

It is no secret that millennials prefer to use their mobile phones than their desktop or laptops. As far as social media is concerned, it has already been proved that they use it for different purposes, and it is not limited to staying connected with their friends and families.

2 – Use of GIFs

GIFs are animated images, so when they are used in a digital marketing campaign, they can create a positive impact on the viewers. When used right, they can make a good impact on the audience.

3 – Create an interactive experience

The millennials are not the same as the other generations and have very high expectations. They want to feel the product or service they are using and the experience is unique and interactive.

4 – Be honest

Millennials are the most sensitive and don't like being misled by brands. When they see something that is not genuine, they will not hesitate to share it with their followers.

5 – Millennial Branding

One of the biggest mistakes that marketers are making is that they are not considering the branding needs of millennials. Millennials have a high level of creativity and will not be able to identify a brand unless it is branded.

In my opinion, these are the basics, and if you think about the 5 points, you will be able to design for millennials.

10 Ways Millennials Are Different

Millennial Centred Branding

Here are the top 10 differences between Millennials and the traditional generation.

1 – Their outlook on life

The first and foremost difference is that Millennials are always on the move and are unsatisfied with the routine. They want to try new things and are always busy with their work. They don't just want to work but also to work smart.

2 – The world of technology

Millennials are the most tech-savvy generation. They have the best gadgets that allow them to work and play simultaneously. They use smartphones to take pictures and videos and record conversations.

3 – Workplace

They are working not only for money but also to gain a better career and develop their skills. They don't just sit in the office and work but also work on their ideas.

4 – Family life

Family is the most crucial part of life for every person. So, Millennials are very much focused on family. They are not only spending time with their family but also trying to earn more to provide a better life for them.

5 – Fashion and style

Millennials are always looking for the latest trends. They are always willing to try something new and unique. They are ready to make a fashion statement.

6 – Social media

Social media is the most used platform for communication. People can share their thoughts and views on the internet. This has made people a lot more connected and open to new experiences.

7 – Self-care

Millennials are always taking care of themselves. They are not only focusing on their career and work but also on their body and health. They are very much interested in the latest beauty products.

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8 – Money matters

Millennials are interested in earning money. They always want to make more money and spend less. They are not only working to make a living, but they also want to be financially free.

9 – Self-discovery

Millennials are very curious. They are always looking for something new and don't want to be confined to a routine. They want to discover themselves and discover the world around them.

10 – Communication

Millennials are always on the move and want to communicate with people. They don't just want to talk to their friends and family, but to talk to people from all over the world. 

Millennials have changed the way people communicate, think, and live. They are always on the move, and they are always eager to learn.

10 Brands That Understand Millennials

Brands That Understand Millennials Advertising

Millennials are the future of the economy and the next generation, so brands must understand them to get the maximum benefits. They are changing the way we live, what we eat, travel, and buy. Because they spend more money than previous generations and their spending is expected to proliferate, marketers need to figure out how to market to them.

1 – Uber

Uber is one of the most successful ride-sharing companies in the world. It started as a service to get a taxi but soon expanded to a variety of services such as food delivery, laundry, and even personal assistants. Uber has become so popular that it now has a valuation of $70 billion.

2 – Apple

Apple is known for making some of the most innovative products in the world. Their new iPhone X.S. is entirely wireless and also the first phone to feature an OLED display.

3 – Netflix

Netflix is a company that produces various content, including original series, movies, and documentaries. The company is a pioneer of online streaming and the first to release DVDs by mail.

4 – Amazon

Amazon is the world's biggest online retailer and most extensive online marketplace. Their business model is based on selling anything that customers might want.

5 – Snapchat

Snapchat is a photo and video messaging app that allows users to send pictures and videos that disappear within a set amount of time. The app is best known for allowing users to take pictures of themselves and have those pictures disappear in just a few seconds.

6 – Spotify

Spotify is a music streaming service that allows users to listen to music on their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even T.V.s. The company is based in Sweden and was founded by Daniel Ek, Martin Lorentzon, and Joakim Tanke.

7 – Airbnb

Airbnb is an online marketplace connecting people who want to rent their homes to people who want to travel and stay in other people's homes while travelling.

8 – Pinterest

Pinterest is a website that allows people to save ideas organised into boards that allow people to navigate through the site easily. PayPal bought the site for $45 billion.

9 – Google

Google is the world's most popular search engine and provides other services, including Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube.

10 – WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging app founded in 2009 and is currently owned by Facebook. These are a complete list of the most successful companies that have understood millennials for marketing.

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Millennials want to be treated like adults. They'll reject brands that treat them like children who can be pushed around and manipulated. When millennials reach adulthood, they'll stop buying anything from a brand that treats them like children. They'll stop buying from companies that behave like their parents. They'll stop buying from companies that treat them like they're still in school.

“Millennial branding” is an industry trend that brands, influencers, and marketers adopt to understand and communicate with younger consumers. Millennials are the largest generation in the U.S., representing 50 per cent of the workforce, and millennials are expected to earn $2 trillion in consumer spending by 2025. 

With so many millennials in the workplace, marketing and advertising professionals are adapting strategies that work with this young audience to appeal to them as buyers, employees, and leaders. Learn more about millennial branding to see how it could impact your business.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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