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The Definitive Guide to Flutter App Development

Stuart Crawford

There has been a lot of talk about Flutter app development. But what exactly is it? Google created Flutter as a mobile application framework.

The Definitive Guide to Flutter App Development

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about Flutter app development. But what exactly is it?

Google created Flutter as an open-source mobile application framework. Developers can build apps for iOS, Android, web, desktop and embedded devices using this single codebase.

That’s pretty cool, right? Instead of learning different languages and frameworks for each platform, you need to know one programming language (Dart) and one codebase with Flutter to ship apps everywhere. This will save developers immeasurable amounts of time, money, and headaches.

So, How Does Flutter Work?

What Is Flutter App Development

Flutter uses Dart at its core – an object-oriented programming language developed by Google. After being compiled into native machine code for multiple platforms, the Dart code executes natively.

As a result, Flutter apps can achieve exceptionally high performance that can rival those built with traditional language/SDK combos like Swift/Objective-C for iOS or Kotlin/Java for Android.

In addition to this speediness factor, though, it is aided by its reactive framework architecture, where every user action causes only necessary redrawing (vs. full view hierarchy invalidation/redraw like other frameworks have).

Flutter also offers a rich set of fully customisable widgets that allow developers to quickly create beautiful natively compiled UIs from scratch or based on existing designs/templates!

These widgets follow Material Design guidelines closely since Google maintains them but still offer flexibility when needed without writing extra custom stylesheets or wrappers around them. Everything looks consistent across different platforms automatically!

And speaking about custom components. Well, now things get even better because thanks to its portable rendering engine, not only can Flutter be used on mobile devices, but it can also deploy to desktop computers running Linux, macOS, or Windows; web browsers such as Chrome Edge Firefox Safari etc.…; and embedded devices – think cameras cars TVs refrigerators thermostats watches all these gadgets could potentially run some form factor powered by Flutter thereby reaching an even larger global audience from one single codebase!

Why Develop With Flutter?

Flutter App On Desktop Screen

You might think, “Okay, Flutter sounds pretty powerful…but why should I learn it over other cross-platform tools like React Native or Xamarin?” Here are some of Flutter's standout advantages:

1. Faster Development Cycles

With hot reload and restart features, Flutter immediately updates your app's UI while retaining its state. This tight edit-reload-edit loop makes building UIs faster and more fluid than traditional mobile dev workflows.

Changes to UI code trigger a quick subcomponent re-render on the fly while modifying non-UI logic hot restarts the app with updated behaviour logic. It's a massive time-saver!

2. Truly Cross-Platform

Unlike some other “cross-platform” tools, Flutter deploys real native apps on each target OS, not web-wrapped apps. There's no semblance of WebViews or JavaScript bridges, which optimises performance and negates platform compatibility issues.

Your iOS app in Flutter looks and feels like a genuine iOS app from top to bottom, from UI to scrolling to navigation paradigms…and the same goes for your Android, web, desktop, and embedded apps—no compromises or lowest-common-denominator constraints.

3. Developer Productivity Boosts

You're probably used to downloading and juggling various platform dependencies and libraries. With Flutter, all critical dependencies come pre-packaged, configured and vetted by Google's engineers. This prevents common issues and decouples your codebase from the ecosystem churn of every platform.

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Flutter also has a superb development workflow with full-featured tooling, documentation, and testing utilities. Hot Reload alone is a game-changer productivity boost. When you factor in things like stateful hot reloads and Flutter's lightning-fast compile times, dev velocity takes off like a rocket.

4. Cost Savings

Building cross-platform apps means only paying one team to develop and maintain a single codebase, dramatically reducing costs compared to staffing separate teams for each platform-specific app. Businesses can shave 30-60% off typical development costs!

Long-term maintenance and updating are also far more accessible, faster, and cheaper with Flutter's unified code architecture. Don't underestimate the savings over an app's lifetime from having one canonical source to update instead of branched silos of code.

5. Performance Advantages

Apps built with Flutter are speedy and feel smooth as silk, reminiscent of pure platform-native apps. Flutter renders everything with its high-performance, low-level render tree that deploys to native machine code, circumventing performance penalties from operating systems, browsers or WebViews.

On mobile, Flutter apps achieve 120 frames-per-second throughput and 60fps on modern browsers while maintaining minimal per-frame CPU and battery drain. The smooth scrolling, animations and transitions are top-notch across form factors.

What kind of performance boost can you expect versus other cross-platform solutions? Independent benchmarks show Flutter outpacing tools that use JavaScript bridging by a staggering 3-4x for ARM and x86 devices!

6. Open Source & Free

Last but certainly not least, Flutter is 100% free and open-source under a permissive BSD licence. There are zero licensing costs or royalty fees, letting you ship Flutter apps to any number of users without paying a dime.

Being open-source also means Flutter has a thriving ecosystem with over 15,000 open-source packages you can leverage. Code transparency and customisability are benefits, too. With support from Google and an engaged developer community, Flutter will only continue improving.

Companies Using Flutter

Still not convinced Flutter is worth learning? Many high-profile companies like Google are betting on Flutter for mobile app development. Here are just a few significant firms developing with Flutter:

  • Google Pay, Google Ads, Stadia, and the Google Assistant apps
  • Alibaba Group's e-commerce apps
  • Philips Hue smart lighting
  • Toyota and Honda automotive apps
  • The New York Times news app
  • Reflecting on AI mental wellness
  • Cryptography services from Crypton
  • and many more across industries!

With massive tech giants and innovative startups embracing Flutter for mission-critical apps, it's clear this framework isn't just a passing trend. It's rapidly becoming an industry standard for cross-platform app dev.

Learning Flutter Development

Best Examples Of Flutter Mobile App Development

I hope that convinced you that Flutter is fantastic and worth learning! So now the question is… where do you start?

Step 1) Learn the Basics of Dart

Since Flutter uses Dart as its programming language, you will need to learn the basics of Dart first. This includes data types, control flow statements, functions, object-oriented concepts, etc. Fortunately, if you have experience with other modern languages such as Java, JavaScript, C#, etc., picking up Dart shouldn’t be too difficult.

Google provides excellent free resources for learning Dart through the official Dart website, Dart Academy, and Dart code labs. I recommend going through their trails and coding exercises to get a strong foundation in Dart before moving on to Flutter.

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Step 2) Get Familiar with Flutter

Once you know your way around with Dart, it’s time to dive into some Flutter basics, such as the reactive architecture of Flutter, widgets, state management, routing, and asynchronous programming. This can be a bit tough at first, but hang in there!

The official flutter documentation is top-notch with many guides and tutorials, i.e. codelabs. The Flutter team also has some great video courses taught by experts on their YouTube channel that walk you through building real apps step-by-step.

I would also strongly suggest buying the “Flutter In Action” book; it’s a comprehensive and practical resource for professional Flutter developers — the author explains complex topics in simple terms.

To practice your skills, try building silly demo apps like counters, to-do lists or throw-away UIs; this will help cement all these basic concepts while playing around with different widgets & stateful hot reloads.

Last but certainly not least, look into some popular packages for networking, state management navigation, database authentication, etc. Trust me — you’re going to use those A LOT, so you'd better be prepared.

Step 3) Build Your Portfolio Project(s)

Now that you’ve got the basics of Flutter down, it’s time to create some real apps that can go in your portfolio! This is where you prove yourself as an architect/developer who can build and ship a full-fledged Flutter application from scratch.

The scope and complexity will vary depending on your experience level. Still, you can start by turning one of your demo apps into a portfolio piece by integrating multiple packages, complex state management, custom animations, and cloud back-end services.

As you get a better take on more ambitious personal projects or contribute to open source repositories such as e-commerce apps, social networks, real-time messaging apps, graphics-intensive games, IoT apps, AI-powered apps, etc. Also, I study app architecture and scalable coding practices for real-world scenarios.

Ideally, deploy your coded apps to app stores, but even having the entire codebase in a public GitHub repo showcases your abilities, too.

The Job Market for Flutter Devs

Ios App Developer

With Flutter on a meteoric rise, companies are clamouring to hire talented Flutter developers at generous salaries. Here are some current stats on the Flutter jobs marketplace:

  • Upwork shows over 10,000 remote Flutter job openings
  • LinkedIn has over 15,000 Flutter developer job listings
  • Forbes reported in 2022 that Flutter developers in the US earn an average of $109,000 annually
  • In Europe, junior Flutter devs make €40,000 on average; seniors earn €70,000+
  • The demand for Flutter skills grew over 500% from 2019 to 2023, according to Adia Analytics

Flutter expertise is in exceptionally high demand right now. With cross-platform mobile development exploding, Flutter experience carries a premium wage in today's competitive tech job market.

Where Flutter Devs Get Hired

So, what kinds of companies and industries are hiring Flutter talent? The answer is every industry you can think of! Here's just a sampling of where you can find Flutter developer jobs:

  • Mobile app development agencies and consultancies
  • SaaS startups and tech companies
  • E-commerce, retail, and consumer brands
  • Finance, banking, and fintech
  • Healthcare and medical technology
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Gaming and entertainment
  • Government and Education
  • And many other sectors
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Any business with mobile apps or future mobile ambitions needs Flutter talent to lower development costs and get to market faster across all platforms. Even large enterprises opt for Flutter over native development for new mobile projects.

The job opportunities are limitless, ranging from freelance gigs and remote contract work to full-time salaried positions at major tech firms like Google, Alibaba, Tencent and more.

Real-World Flutter App Examples

Best Apps Developed With Flutter

Enough talk about what Flutter is and why it's fantastic. Let's explore some inspiring examples of actual Flutter apps made by leading brands and developers:

Of course, Google had to use its framework when rebuilding the mobile app for Google Ads, its flagship advertising product. The Flutter app had to handle complex animated visualisations, charts, forms, and secure authentication flows. It's a poster child for Flutter's performance and extensive widget capabilities.

Reflectly AI Journal

This popular mental wellness app uses artificial intelligence for its core journaling functionality. The Flutter codebase had to incorporate machine learning models with tight mobile performance constraints. Reflectly has scaled its AI-powered platform across iOS, Android, and the web seamlessly thanks to Flutter's cross-platform capabilities.

Toyota's Dash Driver App

Toyota's in-car apps and vehicle infotainment system run on embedded systems with severe hardware constraints. That's why they turned to Flutter's lightweight, high-efficiency engine optimised for embedded Linux environments on ARM processors. The resultant Dash Driver app deploys smoothly to all Toyota vehicle trims.

The New York Times App

Established media giants like The New York Times adopted Flutter for their suite of news apps. With a heavy emphasis on content presentation, they praised Flutter for its fast load times, smooth scrolling and animations on text-heavy articles, and overall performance compared to previous native app builds.

Greyce Diabetes Monitoring App

Healthcare tech startups like Greyce leverage Flutter's cross-platform strengths to build HIPAA-compliant mHealth apps for chronic condition management. Their FDA-approved diabetes app syncs with wireless monitoring devices and displays data visualisations with buttery smooth performance across platforms.

These examples only scratch the surface of the countless Flutter success stories. Whether retail, gaming, education, travel, enterprise productivity, or any other use case, brands are flocking to Flutter to drive their mobile experiences.

Flutter Web & Desktop Apps

While Flutter is most known for mobile app development, we must recognise its multi-platform capabilities that let you build web and desktop experiences. Yes, with minor codebase modifications, Flutter efficiently ships web and desktop clients from the same repository! No more juggling disparate web frameworks and native desktop frameworks separately.

For example, the file transfer service WeTransfer used Flutter to overhaul its web app with a clean, responsive, and performant UI interface that matched their mobile experience.

On the desktop side, Toyota again turned to Flutter to build interactive, natively-rendered vehicle configuration apps to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops in dealerships.

Google has even shipped several desktop utilities developed with Flutter for Chrome OS, such as its web software installer app, widget gallery, and various A/B testing applications. Expect to see more first-party Google desktop productivity utilities made with Flutter down the line.

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Of course, web and desktop support is still maturing in Flutter compared to mobile. However, the multi-platform framework already proves its merit across other form factors beyond handhelds. As a key Flutter differentiator, this versatility will grow more robust over time.

Best Practice Tips for Flutter App Architecture

Flutter Hot Reload

With Flutter basics out of the way, let's dive a little deeper into some proven best practices and architecture patterns for structuring robust, scalable, maintainable Flutter apps:

1) Decouple UI & Logic Using Layers

Instead of cramming everything into a single bloated folder, separate components based on responsibilities using a layered architecture pattern.

A standard Flutter setup is:

  • View layer for just UI/screens
  • Business logic layer with services, blocs, etc.
  • Data layer for models, repositories, API services
  • Utils layer for shared helpers/constants

This loose coupling between UI and data/logic improves code reuse, testability, and maintainability as your codebase grows.

2) Leverage Provider for State Management

While Flutter has essential state management baked in with StatefulWidgets, larger apps require a robust third-party state management solution. The provider is a famous, influential, simple state management library that shares data across widgets reactively and efficiently.

The provider promotes best practices like cleaning UI and business logic into view models. It has minimal boilerplate and great support for combining with other state management patterns.

3) Implement Feature-First Architecture

Related to a layered architecture, use a feature-first, modularised project structure where each self-contained feature has its folder with modules, widgets, services, models, routes, etc.

For example, an e-commerce app may have /cart, /checkout, /product features organised this way. This architecture scales better than organising by layers as your app grows in complexity.

4) Leverage Code Generation

Writing boilerplate Flutter code is tedious and error-prone. Use code generation tools to automatically generate tedious UI, models, routes, formatting, annotations, etc., from data definitions or templates.

Popular code generators for Flutter include:

  • json_serializable for JSON ↔ model class serialization
  • freeze for data class generation
  • flutter_gen for image/asset generation
  • auto_route for navigation routing

This reduces development time, promotes consistency, and keeps your codebase clean and DRY.

5) Use Build Flavours for Environments

Most non-trivial apps require separate builds for dev, staging, production, and local environments with different configurations like API endpoints. Flutter supports building flavours to automate the creation of these other flavours from the same codebase.

Implementing build flavours cleanly with bundled configuration files prevents settings and constants that can cause bugs, slow performance, and security holes.

6) Implement Security Best Practices

Any app dealing with sensitive data or financials needs proper security implementations like obfuscation, encryption, and anti-tampering measures.  The flutter_secure_storage package is handy for securely storing data locally.

You'll also need proper authentication flows to authorise users via OAuth, Firebase Auth, or custom auth backends. Google's OpenID library works well here. For payment processing, leverage vetted packages like stripe_payment.

Finally, guard entry points and restrict public surface areas. Apply principles like the principle of least privilege to lock things down securely.

Flutter App Performance Optimisation

Mobile App Performance Metrics

One of Flutter's greatest strengths is its rendering power and buttery smooth 60fps performance on virtually any hardware. However, sloppy coding practices can still undermine that fluidity.

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To keep your Flutter apps blazing fast, follow these optimisation best practices:

1) Efficiently Manage Widget Trees

Flutter's reactive UI rendering rebuilds widgets based on state changes. But deeply nested, complex widget trees with unnecessary rebuilds can bog down performance.

Strategies to improve rebuild efficiency:

  • Use const constructors wherever possible
  • Leverage StatelessWidgets when state isn't needed
  • Lift state management hierarchies to avoid re-rendering large subtrees
  • Prune redundant widgets by flattening obtuse subtree nesting
  • Implement advanced widget projection patterns for isolation

2) Lazy Load Data On-Demand

Don't populate your entire app's data into memory at launch! That's a sure-fire way to cause stutters, lags, and crashes on less powerful devices.

Instead, lazily fetch and cache only the minimum data needed for each screen/flow as the user navigates around. Load data asynchronously while showing lightweight loading indicators.

For scrolling data sets like lists, implement pagination to load data in smaller chunks instead of all at once. The flutter_cache_manager package helps streamline in-memory and persistent caching strategies.

3) Optimise Image & Asset Usage

Large images, videos, fonts, and other assets can bloat app bundles and memory usage if not optimised properly. Always compress holdings to the most minor acceptable quality and strip all metadata cruft.

Flutter has great tooling for working with assets:

  • Use flutter_gen to generate optimal asset bundles automatically
  • Leverage flutter_svg for efficient vector graphic rendering
  • Load images into memory only when needed with caching
  • For dense image lists/grids, implement lazy loading combined with lower-quality placeholders
  • Automatically compress transmitted image payloads on the server

4) Use Computing Power Wisely

While Flutter can leverage a device's CPU/GPU horsepower, be smart about spinning up compute-heavy tasks like animations, image filters, parsing, AI model inference, etc.

Offload burdensome operations to Isolates — separate execution threads that don't block the UI thread. Then, pass the computed results back to the main thread. Flutter has great isolate support.

For animation-heavy UIs, learn curve disposition tricks to avoid redrawing every frame. The flutter_gpu_utils library has many rendering shortcuts to ease GPU strain.

5) Profile, Profile, Profile!

Of course, all optimisation efforts ultimately come down to careful profiling with Flutter's baked-in DevTools performance suite. Identify and eliminate jank root causes like slow asset bundling, unnecessary rebuilds, expensive animations, memory leaks, and more.

Study DevTools's charts, such as the widget rebuild explorer, frame rendering pipeline, and memory usage over time. Flutter also integrates with native Android Studio and Xcode profiling tooling on top of its utilities.

With diligent profiling workflows, you can identify and squash performance bottlenecks dead in their tracks before they impact your Flutter app's signature, slick experience.

FAQs About Flutter App Development

Still thinking about Flutter? Let me answer a few of the most commonly asked questions about it:

How long does it take to learn Flutter development?

Productively proficient with flutter, which can be achieved within 3–6 months of study and by building portfolio apps by most experienced developers. Beginners may require 6–12 months before they can confidently catch up.

Can I create iOS and Android apps using a Windows machine with Flutter?

Yes! With Flutter, you can develop apps that run on iOS, Android, and desktop, as well as web and embedded targets. This can all be done using Windows machines, which support Linux, too.

Is Flutter free to use?

Absolutely! Under the BSD licence, Google released Flutter as open-source software, meaning there are no restrictions or fees when used in your applications.

What programming languages does Flutter use?

All code for any given application built with the framework will be written in Dart, an object-oriented language developed by Google.

Does Flutter work for existing projects or just new apps?

When used for greenfield app development, flutter works exceptionally well, but it also provides tooling & guidance that allows developers to add this technology into legacy codebases through gradual migration techniques.

What IDEs and tools does Flutter support?

While fully integrated into Android Studio & Visual Studio Code (VSCode), dart plugins allow utilising any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). Some examples include IntelliJ IDEA, Emacs & Sublime Text, among others.

What platforms does Flutter currently target?

Natively mobile (iOS/Android), web, desktop (Windows/macOS/Linux), and embedded/IoT devices. It has partnerships with OEMs like Toyota and Samsung for use in their vehicles or appliances.

What UI kit does Flutter use?

Flutter ships with its own set of highly composable and customisable UI widgets that follow Material Design and iOS Cupertino design paradigms while also being portable.

Can I build games with Flutter?

Yes! Demon Crawler is one example, but there are many others out there, too; this is because Flutter supports creating games that can run at high-performance levels regardless of whether they are rendered on low-end or high-end hardware in either 2D or 3D.

What are the most significant downsides or limitations of Flutter?

It allows you to develop apps across multiple platforms simultaneously. Using a non-native language/framework will always come with some tradeoffs, e.g., not having access to all native device APIs/SDKs and less flexibility when customising certain aspects of your application's appearance. Possibly more significant binary/bundle sizes compared to fully platform-native applications. However, most teams don't find these tradeoffs unacceptable since they save time and money.

Wrapping Up

That was an epic deep dive into the world of Flutter development! I hope this comprehensive guide helped demystify Flutter's cross-platform capabilities and highlighted some key advantages over traditional native mobile app development.

From game-changing development velocity and performance boosts to cost savings and skills that transfer across platforms, Flutter is an incredibly compelling solution for any company investing in serious mobile, web, or desktop app development.

With the framework's rapid adoption trajectory and backing from industry titans like Google, there's never been a better time to get skilled in Flutter and ride this game-changing wave.

So what are you waiting for? Download the Flutter SDK, spin up a code editor, and build fantastic cross-platform apps today! The future is Flutter-powered.

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Written By
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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