7 Best Branding Techniques for 7 Figure Brands

7 Best Branding Techniques for 7 Figure Brands

Every brand requires a strategy as it's the first step for building a strong brand. In this article, we will be covering the best branding techniques for 7 figure brands.

The capacity to make seven figures in this decade is not challenging to come by. There are numerous industries and technical developments that are rapidly expanding, and many individuals and businesses will benefit financially as a result. To help you attain financial independence, keep these habits and methods in mind.

Consumers will readjust their mindsets when the world finally opens and return to their regular routines. They spend more money on goods, services, and various entrepreneurial ventures. 

A lack of clarity frequently stymies advancement, even though numerous opportunities exist. Although you may have started your company because of something you're passionate about, you still require guidance.

Small business owners may believe that branding is better left to Apple, Google, and McDonald's. This is a common misconception among entrepreneurs. 

However, the reality is that, regardless of how huge (or small!) our company is, you must consider your branding strategy if you are in business.

Larger companies have more money to spend on branding than smaller companies. However, you do not require a bank account the size of Apple to begin from scratch with a successful branding strategy. 

It is possible to make your firm stand out, capture clients' attention, and leave a lasting impression on them without breaking the money. Here are some ideas to get you started.

When it comes to growing a business to six, seven, or even eight figures, it is critical to have a vision and strategy for what the company will become. 

Will you continue to operate your business as a sole proprietor? You want to create a virtual assistant business, but you don't know-how. Would you be open to the possibility of hiring others?

If you want to build a seven-figure brand and company that you can someday sell, here are seven branding techniques that will assist you in getting there.

7 Best Branding Techniques for 7 Figure Brands 

While business branding is necessary, developing and maintaining it does not have to be expensive. In a real sense, you will not need to invest any money to implement a majority of these recommendations.

Keep your customers in mind at all times, and communicate in a way that promotes your company's goal.

1. Expand your business by using personal brand-building techniques

How To Start A Personal Brand

Personal branding influences how the general public views a company when it comes to business. Personal business branding includes:

The story about you that is told about you while you are not present is what your personal brand is all about.

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Thinking of oneself as a brand likely causes you to feel anxious or uncomfortable. On the other hand, the fact is that everyone has a distinct brand. 

What do you think other people think of your work? What are some of the adjectives that people have used to describe your personality and appearance? Do they have an uplifting or depressing effect?

To build a sellable firm, it is necessary to establish a framework that allows the company to be sold. It will be tough to sell an utterly reliant company on your efforts.

However, even while forming a legal entity (such as a limited liability company, corporation, or agency) may aid in establishing a commercial business, personal brand promotion strategies are still required. 

The utilisation of Gary Vaynerchuk's personal brand to expand the reach of VaynerMedia is an excellent example of this.

First, choose a structure and a name to establish a heritage brand or convert an existing company to one. As a result, the internet and social media may be utilised to boost visibility, content, and marketing for your personal brand, as well as the brand of your company. Because of this, you have created two assets.

Entrepreneurship is defined as a state of financial independence and freedom from financial obligations. 

The goal should be to build a business that can function without you being present all of the time. Increasing the size of your organisation will assist you in reaching your goals.

2. Develop an audience persona

Create A Buyer Persona

It is possible to target your ideal consumer by developing a buyer persona. A buyer persona is also known as a customer persona, an audience persona, or a marketing persona.

A buyer persona is a detailed description of a fictitious individual representing your target market and whom you want to attract. 

Although this persona is entirely fictitious, it is based on considerable research into your present or target audience.

If you've read anything about marketing, you've probably heard that defining your target demographic is critical to creating effective marketing messaging. 

This is a terrific technique for getting to know someone. Create a buyer persona, which is a fictional representation of the ideas and characteristics of your target consumer.

In addition to a name and demographic information, this buyer persona will also include their interests and behavioural characteristics. 

You'll be aware of their objectives, pain points, and shopping habits, as well as their competitors. If you want to give them a face, you can use stock images or artwork if you like because it may be necessary for your employees to associate a face with a name.

Personas also highlight the challenges that your clients are experiencing and how your firm may assist them in solving those problems.

3. Create a brand identity and voice for your business

Corporate Identity Guidelines

The brand voice is the distinctive personality that a company communicates through its communications. 

Consider yourself at a dinner party where you mingle with the other guests. One individual stands out because they have a natural ability to tell stories uniquely and memorably.

The flow of their discourse, the jargon they used, and their demeanour all made this an unforgettable meeting. When you recall the incident, you immediately think of that person.

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Individuals generally consider the visual appearance when developing branding strategies, from fonts to colours and design styles. The importance of a brand's voice is something that is often overlooked. 

As a result of the incorporation of social media into marketing efforts, brand voice has become more critical than ever as a technique of standing out from the buzz of digital communication and gaining attention.

Although you may have never heard the term before, you have almost likely come across it. The corporation that sells surfboards adopts the jargon and demeanour of the surfing community.

Beverage companies are loosening up their terminology and incorporating popular lingo to connect with their target market effectively. 

While you may get away with not having a distinct brand voice, having one helps you take your marketing to entirely new levels of effectiveness.

Convert the voice of that dinner guest into the voice of your company. 

  • What is the name of your internet brand? 
  • Do you have a website? 
  • If your brand were a person, what personality traits would it adopt, and which would it purposefully avoid if it were a person? 
  • When it comes to your company, what are the phrases and aesthetic decisions used regularly?

Your brand's voice is comprised of all of the elements listed above. In your brand's newsletters, social media posts, official internal communications, such as business announcements and advertising, you can see how your personality comes through.

4. Design a social media presence that is consistent

Adidas Social Media Marketing Example

Once you've determined your target audience, the following step is to locate and contact them. So, how do you go about accomplishing this?

You're more than likely to come across them on social media, and this is an opportunity you shouldn't pass up. 

The importance of contacting people where they are already present, which includes their online presence, has been highlighted previously in this chapter.

While social media has been around for over 40 years, it wasn't until after the launch of Facebook a little more than a decade ago that businesses began to see it as a critical marketing tool for their organisations. 

Branding used to be dominated by traditional methods such as print advertising, radio ads, and newsletters (email and flyers). 

Companies now have an additional channel for communicating with their customers due to the proliferation of social media platforms.

Every company, let alone each social media network, faces issues maintaining brand consistency across all marketing touchpoints. 

  • Is it possible to make sure that the tone of your email marketing corresponds to the tone of your brand's television advertisements? 
  • How can you detect the difference if you speak to those two audiences in two very different ways? 
  • How can you ensure that your clients recognise your brand even if it is their first time viewing you on social media?

Now that you have a clear picture of your audience's interest, the next step is to establish where they spend most of their time on social media platforms.

Examine your competitors' social media presence to see where they are most active and whether their language resonates with their target audience.

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If you discover that most of your audience favours one social media network over another, you'll know where to direct your attention and resources.

Others, on the other hand, must not be overlooked. It will be possible for you to diversify your approach methods by creating a presence on multiple social media platforms.

When you diversify your lead generating strategies and channels, you can ensure that you reach out to the most significant number of prospective customers.

When it comes to maintaining a presence, it is just as important as developing one. Have you ever visited a brand's Facebook page and seen that nothing new has been posted in three months? 

Likely, it didn't influence your decision. Using a marketing calendar to plan and schedule social media posts can help avoid this situation.

Whenever you're unsure of what they're searching for, it's always best to start with a tale.

5. Find co-branding partners

Example Of Co-Branding Nike Ipod

There is no doubt that everyone has a favourite brand, but there is a good chance that your favourite things result from two distinct companies partnering together.

Co-branding is a marketing and advertising collaboration between two companies in which the success of one brand contributes to the success of the other through mutually beneficial relationships. 

Even though co-branding can be a practical approach for growing a company's brand awareness and expanding its reach into new regions, it needs to be a win-win situation for everyone concerned. Both audiences must derive some benefit from the experience.

Keep in mind that collaborating with a brand comes with its own set of requirements. One of these is selecting a business partner who shares your brand's same personality and beliefs. 

Partnering with an organisation that you want to be associated with and one that will benefit your target audience is a good idea. 

Establish clear goals for both sides for the relationship to be mutually beneficial in the long term. Ultimately, you want it to be a win-win situation for all parties involved.

6. Prioritise customer service

The Key To A Better Customer Experience Strategy

The majority of today's seven-figure brands didn't merely supply services or make a sale and call it a day. Now that I think about it, what occurs after the initial purchase?

We cannot emphasise the value of customer service in terms of company branding. If you don't provide customers with a sense of belonging, they will never return to your store.

The most underrated part of a company's marketing strategy is developing a customer experience strategy. 

Many businesses are so focused on getting more leads, increasing website traffic, and making more sales calls – the most expensive and time-consuming marketing components – that they neglect to nurture their existing customers. The latter are willing to receive and offer assistance. 

You want your paying customers to see, hear, and support you. Invest more money to ensure that your current customers can't get enough of your brand.

According to a Forrester research study of over 1,200 company executives from eight sectors and nine countries, businesses that fully embrace a customer experience strategy saw faster topline growth, increased brand engagement, and increased repeat sales.

Customers who have had a positive experience with you are more likely to buy from you again, regardless of the sector. 

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At this point, upselling and cross-selling become straightforward and cost-effective. There's no need for expensive ad buys or lengthy sales conversations. 

According to the poll, one unpleasant experience is all it takes to lose a customer, with half of the customers moving to a competitor after only one negative experience. If you want to establish a seven-figure brand, prioritise customer service.

7. Start blogging

Monthly Blog Posts Impact Traffic

As a business owner, you must stay current with industry trends and adapt to the ever-changing marketing environment. 

Blogging is one part of marketing that has stayed consistent despite numerous techniques. Every company's marketing strategy should include blogging.

Promoting your services and products is difficult, especially in today's highly competitive business market. This is where the blog enters the picture. 

It helps you manage your company's multimedia presence, keeps your audience engaged, and promotes your brand. 

Consider promoting your videos, podcasts, interviews, and other content on your blog. This type of content is both beneficial to your viewers and beneficial to your website. An essential factor is the overall quality of your postings.

Blogging and providing relevant content are two of the most critical parts of any marketing strategy for increasing website traffic. 

When you apply SEO techniques like keywords, headlines, and meta descriptions, blog entries become a powerful tool for increasing brand recognition. 

In addition, each new blog you write generates a new page on your website. This helps SEO by giving Google and other search engines a reason to crawl your site again to search for new content to index.

Nothing beats a solid reputation, and blogging is a crucial part of that process because it allows you to communicate your point of view to your audience in a unique way. 

Your blog is a place to share your thoughts and opinions on a particular topic. People can then share the blog via email, social networking, and other third-party platforms. 

People will return to your website for this industry-leading material as you begin to position yourself as a genuine thought leader in your sector.

While blogging is inexpensive, it does take time. As a result, as a company striving for seven figures, it's only natural that you make time for blogging, a critical component of inbound marketing.


Most of the time, branding is more concerned with how a firm presents itself within a target market and interacts with its loyal customers than with the actual benefits or value.

Building a brand comprises many elements that must be carefully designed and implemented. 

As you better understand your company's needs and the products and services you want to offer your customers, you'll be better able to choose the best brand strategy for your firm, and your brand will thrive and please your customers as a consequence.

What branding techniques have worked for you? Let us know in the comments below.

Author Bio: Paul Aroloye is the founder of PaulAroloye.com. He simplifies SEO for online entrepreneurs and businesses, helping them 10x their organic reach with their websites/blogs and YouTube channels. You can connect with Paul on LinkedIn.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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